
judicatory adj.審判的,司法的。n.法院;審判制度。


Especially under the background , a series of regulations and document issued by legislature make the people ’ s jury system to be operative in the judicatory practice 尤其是在這一背景下,立法機關出臺的一系列的法規和文件使人民陪審員制度在司法實踐中具有了一定的可操作性。

However , the third party system in the administrative litigation law is a very complex and disputed theoretical issue , and is one of the problems in the judicatory practices 然而行政訴訟中的第三人制度是一個比較復雜而且頗有爭議的理論問題,也是司法實踐中的難題之一。

In order to overcome the weakness of the system of plea trade and criminal reconciliation , the criminal judicatory practices integrate the plea trade with criminal reconciliation 同時,為了克服辯訴交易與刑事和解制度所存在的弊端,我國刑事司法應將兩種契約予以一體化。

Class judicatory executive authority ought to take a variety of forms , those who strengthen pair of people adjuster groom , improve the quality of people adjuster team ceaselessly 級司法行政機關應當采取多種形式,加強對人民調解員的培訓,不斷提高人民調解員隊伍的素質。

This thesis is based on u . s antitrust judicatory practice , concerning the following four questions : 1 . the evolution of tying arrangement clause ? 2 論文以美國反托拉斯法的實踐為背景,利用現有的有關搭配銷售行為的法律經濟學文獻圍繞以下四個主要問題展開研究。

Insurance company is created according to insurance law and fair judicatory , ought to law of according to insurance and accumulation fund of extraction of fair judicatory regulation 保險公司是依據保險法和公司法設立的,應當依照保險法和公司法的規定提取公積金。

Exploring the process of civil judicatory reform , we find though the reform gained success in some degree it confronts hardship in deeper development 通過對近年來民事司法改革歷程的梳理,可以發現我們的司法改革雖然取得了相當的成就,但也面臨著進一步深入的困境。

The doctrines of punitive damages develop most perfectly in american law . it should be adapted to our own socioeconomic situation and judicatory system 懲罰性損害賠償制度在美國發展的最為完善,我國在借鑒其制度時應注意與我國特定的國情和司法制度相適應。

The first choice of the concrete means is the special judicatory explanation proclaimed by the supreme court , the second one is to modify the state indemnity law 具體的途徑選擇第一是由最高人民法院發布專門的司法解釋。第二是修改國家賠償法。

However , our country ' s general rules of civil law in china and other relevant laws including judicatory explanation have some clear and definite provision to it 然而,我國《民法通則》以及其他有關法律和司法解釋,均未對此有明確規定。

In our country , there are still no regulations about the protection of the corporation ’ s third party stakeholders in legislation and judicatory 在我國,關于公司第三方利益相關者合法權益的保護在立法和司法上更是一個未曾涉足的盲區。

Wto affects not only the development of our economy , but also our judicatory work . . our judicatory work must be adapted to the demands of wto 環境行政救濟是指國家通過行政復議和行政訴訟的方式對行政管理相對人所給予的權利救濟。

He set up beijing jzsc intellectual property appraisal center of judicatory and registered as appraiser of intellectual property in 1999 1999年創建北京九州世初知識產權司法鑒定中心,取得知識產權司法鑒定人資格。

Plea bargaining deal is a special system in american criminal judicatory , which takes effect in legal practice 摘要辯訴交易是美國刑事司法中一項具有特色的制度,在美國的刑事司法實踐中發揮著舉足輕重的作用。

However , due to it still is imperfect in legislation , so the applicability in judicatory practice is not good enough 但是,由于此法在立法上還有不夠完善的地方,所以,在司法實踐中導致該法的適用性不強。

It is one of the pursuits of the judiciary system reform in modern china to realize an independent judicatory system completely 實現一個完整的審判獨立體制是中國近代司法體制改革的訴求之一。

For some orders of court cannot be executed , we have much irrational acknowledge about the authority of judicatory in china 司法實務界所講的“執行難”與社會上所講的“執行難”并非一回事。

The judicatory with administrative characteristic is the problem that should be attached importance to highly at present in china 司法行政化問題在當前的司法體制改革中應當引起高度重視。

With the introduction of assurance system it made more achievement from legislation to judicatory than past 而保辜制度的實施對人際關系修復的效果對我們今天的立法思維具有重要的借鑒意義。