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judgment seat 1.裁判員席。2.法院。


Mt . 27 : 19 and while he was sitting on the judgment seat , his wife sent word to him , saying , have nothing to do with that righteous man , for i have suffered much today in a dream because of him 太二七19彼拉多正坐在審判臺上的時候,他的夫人打發人到他那里說,這義人的事,你一點也不可管,因為我今天在夢中,因他受了許多苦。

Mt . 27 : 19 and while he was sitting on the judgment seat , his wife sent word to him , saying , have nothing to do with that righteous man , for i have suffered much today in a dream because of him 太二七19彼拉多正坐在審判臺上的時候,他的夫人打發人到他那? ? ? a這義人的事,你一點也不可管,因為我今天在夢中,因他受了許多苦。

And while he was sitting on the judgment seat , his wife sent word to him , saying , have nothing to do with that righteous man , for i have suffered much today in a dream because of him 19彼拉多正坐在審判臺上的時候,他的夫人打發人到他那里說,這義人的事,你一點也不可管,因為我今天在夢中,因?受了許多苦。

[ kjv ] when he was set down on the judgment seat , his wife sent unto him , saying , have thou nothing to do with that just man : for i have suffered many things this day in a dream because of him 正坐堂的時候、他的夫人打發人來說、這義人的事、你一點不可管因為我今天在夢中、為他受了許多的苦。

When he was set down on the judgment seat , his wife sent unto him , saying , have thou nothing to do with that just man : for i have suffered many things this day in a dream because of him 正坐堂的時候、他的夫人打發人來說、這義人的事、你一點不可管因為我今天在夢中、為他受了許多的苦。

Jn . 19 : 13 pilate therefore , when he heard these words , brought jesus outside and sat down on the judgment seat in a place called the pavement , but in hebrew , gabbatha 約十九13彼拉多聽見這些話,就帶耶穌出來,到了一個地方,和叫鋪華石處,希伯來話叫厄巴大,就在那里坐在審判臺上。

Acts 25 : 6 and having stayed among them not more than eight or ten days , he went down to caesarea ; and on the next day he sat on the judgment seat and ordered paul to be brought 徒二五6非斯都在他們中間,住了不過十天八天,就下該撒利亞去,第二天坐在審判臺上,吩咐將保羅提上來。

And paul said , i am standing before caesar ' s judgment seat , where i ought to be judged . i have done nothing wrong to the jews , as you also very well know 10保羅說,我是站在該撒的審判臺前,這是我應當受審的地方;我向猶太人并沒有行過什么不對的事,這也是你明明知道的。

When pilate therefore heard that saying , he brought jesus forth , and sat down in the judgment seat in a place that is called the pavement , but in the hebrew , gabbatha 13彼拉多聽見這話,就帶耶穌出來,到了一個地方,名叫鋪華石處,希伯來話叫厄巴大,就在那里坐堂。

Pilate therefore , when he heard these words , brought jesus outside and sat down on the judgment seat in a place called the pavement , but in hebrew , gabbatha 13彼拉多聽見這些話,就帶耶穌出來,到了一個地方,名叫鋪華石處,希伯來話叫厄巴大,就在那里坐在審判臺上。

And having stayed among them not more than eight or ten days , he went down to caesarea ; and on the next day he sat on the judgment seat and ordered paul to be brought 6非斯都在他們中間,住了不過十天八天,就下該撒利亞去,第二天坐在審判臺上,吩咐將保羅提上來。

[ kjv ] then said paul , i stand at caesar ' s judgment seat , where i ought to be judged : to the jews have i done no wrong , as thou very well knowest 保羅說: “我現在站在凱撒的審判臺前,這里是我應當受審的地方。我對猶太人并沒有作過什么不對的事,這是你清楚知道的。

For we must all appear before the judgment seat of christ , so that each one may be recompensed for his deeds in the body , according to what he has done , whether good or bad 林后5 : 10因為我們眾人、必要在基督臺前顯露出來、叫各人按著本身所行的、或善或惡受報。

For we must all appear before the judgment seat of christ ; that every one may receive the things done in his body , according to that he hath done , whether it be good or bad 林后5 : 10因為我們眾人、必要在基督臺前顯露出來、叫各人按著本身所行的、或善或惡受報。

Then said paul , i stand at caesar ' s judgment seat , where i ought to be judged : to the jews have i done no wrong , as thou very well knowest 保羅說: “我現在站在凱撒的審判臺前,這里是我應當受審的地方。我對猶太人并沒有作過什么不對的事,這是你清楚知道的。

Then said paul , i stand at caesar ' s judgment seat , where i ought to be judged : to the jews have i done no wrong , as thou very well knowest 徒25 : 10保羅說、我站在該撒的堂前、這就是我應當受審的地方我向猶太人并沒有行過甚麼不義的事、這也是你明明知道的。

Therefore when pilate heard these words , he brought jesus out , and sat down on the judgment seat at a place called the pavement , but in hebrew , gabbatha 約19 : 13彼拉多聽見這話、就帶耶穌出來、到了一個地方、名叫鋪華石處、希伯來話叫厄巴大、就在那里坐堂。

Then said paul , i stand at caesar ' s judgment seat , where i ought to be judged : to the jews have i done no wrong , as thou very well knowest 10保羅說,我站在凱撒的堂前,這就是我應當受審的地方。我向猶太人并沒有行過什么不義的事,這也是你明明知道的。

And when he had tarried among them more than ten days , he went down unto caesarea ; and the next day sitting on the judgment seat commanded paul to be brought 6非斯都在他們那里,住了不過十天八天,就下凱撒利亞去。第二天坐堂,吩咐將保羅提上來。