
judgment n.1.審判,裁判,判決。2.由判決所確定的債務;確定債...

judgment day

Sid had better judgment of it than to utter the thought that was in his mind as he left the house . 席德離開家里的時候,他對這樁事情是心中有數的,不過他覺得還是不把心里的想法說出來為好。

This book was written to answer such questions and to provide a means for making astrophysical judgments . 寫這本書的目的就是要回答諸如此類的問題,并為作出天體物理學的判斷提供一種方法。

You may have noticed, mrs. jordan, that we are finally getting around to respecting your womanly judgment . 你可能注意到了,喬丹太太,我們兜了一大圈最后終于尊重起你的婦女的判斷力來了。

The man who gave his vote for the longest time, on having his judgment disputed, grew stubborn, and doubled his time . 那主張最長時間的人因為受了批駁而更加堅持,又把時間放長了一倍。

On the strength of darcy's regard, bingley had the firmest reliance, and of his judgment the highest opinion . 達西很器重彬格萊,因此彬格萊對他極其信賴,對他的見解也推崇備至。

His life had certainly cost him enough in pain to make the world's judgment a thing of no account . 生活給他帶來了那么多痛苦,足以使世人對他的評價變成一種微不足道的東西。

Reflection had given calmness to her judgment and sobered her own opinion of willougbby's deserts . 思考已經使她的見解冷靜下來了,也使她自己對威洛比的功過有了清醒的看法。

An antitrust judgment in 1954 forced the firm to release its stranglehold on the shoe machinery market . 1954年一項反托拉斯裁決迫使這家公司放棄在制鞋機械市場的壟斷地位。

The estimation of trade elasticities is an area in which econometrics meets head-on with policy judgments . 對貿易彈性的估計是計量經濟學直接觸及到政策判斷的一個領域。

Judgments are more consistent if one can observe the same trait on different plots with little time lag . 假如人們不拖延時間,逐個小區地觀察同一性狀,判斷會更加準確。

True, in her school days she had been inclined to belittle her mother's taste, knowledge, and judgment . 的確,在她讀書的時候,她有些瞧不起她母親的嗜好、知識和見解。

Murphy had served with distinction many senior posts and i grew to value his judgment and wit . 墨菲曾擔任許多高級職位,工作得很出色,我漸漸重視他的判斷和機智。

Nixon may have been right in his judgment that there was no public opinion left to rally . 尼克松認為已經剩不下什么公眾輿論好爭取了,他的這個判斷可能是對的。

He must rely on swiftness of thought, accuracy, his judgment and nothing else . 人就是應該依靠敏捷的思想,正確的眼光,自己的判斷力,而不能依靠別的什么東西。

What student of american history could disagree with this judgment on the whole new deal effort ? 對于整個新政活動的這種評論,美國史學家能有什么不同意見呢?

Whenever the subject was grace, his judgment resigned the ministry of speech in spite of him . 任何話題一扯到格雷絲,他的判斷力就失去了對自己說話的控制。

Truman, he said, was sympathetic and seemed understand how hard the judgment had been . 他說,杜魯門表示同感,而且看來他理解作出這一判斷是何等的艱難。

Scobie against the strictest orders was exercising his own imperfect judgment . 斯考比現在違犯了最嚴的法令,想運用自己的并不完備的判斷力來處理這件事。

Across the back of the canvas he penciled the title: the surgeon at the day of judgment . 在畫布的背面,他用鉛筆寫下了畫名:《最后審判日的外科醫生》。