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judgement seat 1.裁判員席。2.法院。


Responsible people are those who know about god . they “ shall all stand before the judgement seat of christ . . . that each of us shall give account of himself to god “ ( romans 14 : 10 , 12 ) 有責任的人就是那些了解神的人。他們都“要站在神的臺前…我們各人必要將自己的事在神面前說明” (羅馬書14 : 10 , 12 ) 。

People who know about god , and are therefore answerable to him , “ must all appear before the judgement seat of christ “ ( 2 corinthians 5 : 10 ) 知道神的人就要對他盡責, “眾人必要在基督臺前顯露出來” (哥林多前書5 : 10 ) 。

They also “ must appear before the judgement seat of christ “ ( 2 corinthians 5 : 10 ) 他們還“必要在基督臺前顯露出來” (哥林多前書5 : 10 ) 。