
judge n.1. 審判員,法官,推事。2.〔J-〕最高審判者〔指...

judge advocate

The judge may institute proceedings . 預審法官可以受理案件。

Judges meet regularly to compare sentences . 法官們定期開會,比較課刑情況。

Judges ought not to respect the person . 法官不應當徇情偏袒。

A judge is clothed with authority of the state . 法官享有國家所賦予的權力。

He judged that it was time to open the proceedings . 他認為是開始的時候了。

Let others judge who is right and who is wrong . 誰是誰非,讓大家來評個理。

You may judge his character by his friends . 觀其友則知其人。

The judge dealt out harsh sentences to the rioters . 法官對暴亂者處以嚴刑。

It was judged better to set out at once . 認為立刻出發比較好。

He constituted himself as their judge . 他自命為他們的裁定人。

A book is not judged only on its length . 不能只根據篇幅長短來評價一本書。

The judge showed clemency to the prisoner . 法官對囚犯很仁慈。

Do not judge, or you too will be judged . 你們不要論斷人,免得你們被論斷。

The judge gave him a nine-month suspended sentence . 法官判處他9個月監禁。

He judged his chance was now at hand . 他判斷他的機會就在眼前。

She would judge beyond him on these things . 她對事物的看法與他格格不入。

He shuts the judge up rudely . 他毫不客氣地將法官駁得啞口無言。

The judge directed the defendant to answer . 法官責令被告回答。

The judge pronounced the man not guilty . 法官宣告這個男人無罪。