
judaism n.1.〔宗〕猶太教。2.對猶太風俗[儀式等]的遵奉。3...


Judaism , consequently , was presented not as a religion of immutable truths but as one for which each cycle , or eon , was said to have a different torah 猶太教因此沒作為永恒不變的真理信仰出現而是作為每個周期或無數的年代的一個,據說有不同的律法。

While there are thousands of faiths , most people in the world follow one of 5 major religions : buddhism , islam , christianity , hinduism , and judaism 盡管有千余種的信仰,大部分人仍然信仰五種主要宗教:佛教,伊斯蘭教,基督教,印度教和猶太教。

So it was in the days of the lord that judaism , the teaching of the scribes and pharisees , could not be patched up - it needed replacement 所以在主那些日子里,猶太教,那些文士和法利賽人的教訓的問題是不能縫補起來的? ?需要更新。

It thus gave judaism a religious dimension whose mystical approaches to god were viewed by some as dangerously pantheistic and heretical 它就這樣賦予了猶太教一個宗教的尺度,神秘接近上帝是靠一些人危險的泛神論和異教的觀察。

Gal . 1 : 14 and i advanced in judaism beyond many contemporaries in my race , being more abundantly a zealot for the traditions of my fathers 加一14我又在猶太教中,比我本族許多同歲的人更有長進,為我祖宗的傳統格外熱心。

A counter - argument to this is that the judaism of jesus ' time was very diverse and the role of the rabbi was not yet well defined 另一個反對的觀點就是耶穌時期的猶太教是非常不同的,拉比的角色仍然沒有充分地確定下來。

Gal . 1 : 13 for you have heard of my manner of life formerly in judaism , that i persecuted the church of god excessively and ravaged it 加一13你們聽過我從前在猶太教中所行的事,怎樣極力逼迫神的召會,并損毀神的召會。

Karen armstrong , a history of god : the 4 , 000 - year quest of judaism , christianity and islam , new york : ballantine books , 1994 譯成《神學思想的經驗:基督教神學的進路與形式》 ,曾念粵譯, (香港:道風書社, 2004年) 。

For you have heard of my previous way of life in judaism , pm how intensely i persecuted the church ofod and tried kto des troy it 14我又在猶太教中、比我本國許多同歲的人更有長進、為我?宗的遺傳更加熱心。

And i advanced in judaism beyond many contemporaries in my race , being more abundantly a zealot for the traditions of my fathers 14我又在猶太教中,比我本族許多同歲的人更有長進,為我祖宗的傳統格外熱心。

13 for you have heard of my previous way of life in judaism , how intensely i persecuted the church of god and tried to destroy it 14我又在猶太教中,比我本國許多同歲的人更有長進,為我?宗的遺傳更加熱心。

It only took 15 minutes to walk from the most important church in christianity to the most revered site in judaism , the western wall 只要十五分鐘就可從基督教最重要的教堂到猶太教最尊崇的地方,即西墻。

For you have heard of my manner of life formerly in judaism , that i persecuted the church of god excessively and ravaged it 13你們聽過我從前在猶太教中所行的事,怎樣極力逼迫神的召會,并損毀神的召會。

13 for you have heard of my previous way of life in judaism , how intensely i persecuted the church of god and tried to destroy it 13你們聽見我從前在猶太教中所行的事,怎樣極力逼迫殘害神的教會。

I was x advancing in judaism beyond many jews of my own age andr was extremely zealous for the traditions of - my fathers 14我又在猶太教中、比我本國許多同歲的人更有長進、為我?宗的遺傳更加熱心。

I was advancing in judaism beyond many jews of my own age and was extremely zealous for the traditions of my fathers 14我又在猶太教中,比我本國許多同歲的人更有長進,為我祖宗的遺傳更加熱心。

The history of religion credits judaism for ethical monotheism , where god was one god who created us in his image 宗教歷史贊揚猶太教合乎道德的一神主義,神就是那位按著?形象創造我們的神。

As a holy city for judaism , christianity and islam , jerusalem has always been of great symbolic importance 耶路撒冷作為猶太教、基督教和伊斯蘭教三大宗教的圣城,具有極高的象征意義。

Judaism states that there were no prophets after the prophet malachi , and still awaits the coming of the messiah 猶太教聲稱繼先知瑪拉基以后,并無先知,仍然等待著彌賽亞的到來。