
judah n.1.朱達〔男子名〕。2.猶太〔《舊約圣經》中猶太人十...


For i will be like a lion to ephraim , like a great lion to judah 14我必向以法蓮如獅子,向猶大家如少壯獅子。

Judah is a young lion ; from the prey , my son , you have gone up 9猶大是個小獅子;我兒阿,你抓了食便上山去。

The philistines went up and camped in judah , spreading out near lehi 9非利士人上去安營在猶大、布散在利希。

And he took the walled towns of judah , and came as far as jerusalem 他攻取了猶大的堅固城,就來到耶路撒冷。

Although i have afflicted you , o judah , i will afflict you no more 猶大阿,我雖然使你受苦,卻不再使你受苦。

The lord has trodden , as in a winepress , the virgin daughter of judah 主將猶大的處女踹踏,像在酒?中一樣。

I am like a moth to ephraim , like rot to the people of judah 12我使以法蓮如蟲蛀之物、使猶大家如朽爛之木。

Hast thou utterly rejected judah 你真的棄絕猶大嗎?

Have you utterly rejected judah 19你全然棄絕猶大么?

He stationed military commanders in all the fortified cities in judah 又在猶大各堅固城內設立勇敢的軍長。

But the men of judah responded even more harshly than the men of israel 但猶大人的話比以色列人的話更硬。

In judah is god known : his name is great in israel 在猶大,神是人人所認識的,在以色列,他的名被尊為大。

Er and onan were sons of judah , but they died in canaan 19猶大的兒子是珥和俄南。這珥和俄南死在迦南地。

And judah was carried away into exile to babylon for their unfaithfulness 猶大人因犯罪就被擄到巴比倫。

In his winepress the lord has trampled the virgin daughter of judah 主將猶大居民踹下,像在酒榨中一樣。

And of the levites were divisions in judah , and in benjamin 36利未人中有幾班曾住在猶大地歸于便雅憫的。

They were given hebron in judah with its surrounding pasturelands 55在猶大地中得了希伯侖和四圍的郊野。

Now rehoboam kept in jerusalem , building walled towns in judah 羅波安住在耶路撒冷、在猶大地修筑城邑。

After affliction and harsh labor , judah has gone into exile 猶大因遭遇苦難,又因多服勞苦就遷到外邦。