
juche n.〔朝鮮語〕自主。


The juche idea allows to create an indestructible unit between the people ' s massess and the leader , so in this way an independent and sovereign state can be built and the people can use their talent and power for the common benefit 主體思想可使人民群眾和領導之間建立起牢不可破的聯盟,這樣就可創建一個獨立自主的國家,人民可以為著共同的利益貢獻其才智和力量。

The juche idea allows to create an indestructible unit between the people ' s massess and the leader , so in this way an independent and sovereign state can be built and the people can use their talent and power for the common benefit 主體思想可使人民群眾和領導之間建立起牢不可破的聯盟,這樣就可創建一個獨立自主的國家,人民可以為著共同的利益貢獻其才智和力量。

To materialize the juche idea means to maintain the position of owner of the revolution and construction and improve it from an independent and creative way 體現主體思想就是說要堅持革命和建設的主人翁立場,并以自主和創造性方式提高思想覺悟。

“ the juche idea means , in a few words , that the owner of the revolution and construction are the people ' s masses . “簡言之,主體思想是指革命和建設的主人是人民群眾這一思想。 ”

The juche idea is based in the thinking that the person is the owner of everything and use it to serve him 主體思想的思想基礎是:人是萬物的主人,人用主體思想為之服務。

Tower of the juche idea 主體思想塔