
jubilee n.1.〔J-〕(古代猶太)五十年節〔每五十年舉行一次慶...

jubilee port

If only a few years remain until the year of jubilee , he is to compute that and pay for his redemption accordingly 52若到禧年只缺少幾年,就要按著年數和買主計算,償還他的贖價。

Diarmuid : for instance , the wedding of prince charles and lady diana ; and the golden jubilee of queen elizabeth ii 查爾斯和戴安娜的婚禮以及英國女王伊麗莎白二世登基50年的大慶。

A while ago a vampire was celebrating its jubilee in my tavern - their three hundredth resurrection on the battlefield 剛才一個吸血鬼在我酒館慶祝他的周年,第三百次在戰場復活!

He wanted all to lie in an ecstasy of peace ; i wanted all to sparkle and dance in a glorious jubilee 他要一切都處在一種恬靜的心醉神迷之中里而我要一切在燦爛的歡欣中閃耀飛舞。

Later he speaks with secular joy of “ our time of parliament , the very jubilee and resurrection of the state 。 后來,他帶著世俗的快樂談到“我們的議會時代,國家的歡樂和復興。 ”

As our jubilee year draws to a close , let us pledge our commitment to the mission of christ : peace on earth 5 : 22 。在這圣年結束之際,讓我們宣誓投身基督使命:締造世界和平。

This year ' s golden jubilee 1 ) celebrations mark the 50th year that queen elizabeth ii has sat on the english throne 今年的金禧慶典是英國伊莉莎白女王二世在位五十周年的紀念。

On january 1st we celebrate the closing of the holy year , the jubilee proclaimed to celebrate the new christian millennium 元月一日,我們慶祝基督徒宣布新世紀的圣年閉幕。

The completion of the 3 , 000 - mg - capacity jubilee ( shing mun ) reservoir . construction started in 1933 , costing $ 9 , 500 , 000 3萬港元,每天可運送食水350萬至450萬加侖。

He shall be beside you as a hired servant , as a sojourner ; he shall serve beside you until the year of jubilee 40他在你那里要像雇工和寄居的一樣,服事你直到禧年。

We hope that all of us will carry the jubilee spirit of reconciliation and communion into the year that is coming 希望我們帶著圣年精神,修和共融,進入新年。

If he consecrates his field as of the year of jubilee , according to your valuation it shall stand 利27 : 17他若從禧年將地分別為圣、就要以你所估定的價為定。

Shop nos . 43 , 47 & 48 , gf , royal jubilee , 88 san shing avenue , shek wu hui , sheung shui , n . t 新界上水石湖墟新成路88號海禧華庭43號、 47號及48號鋪地下

We have heard this call more clearly during this jubilee year with our theme of reconciliation and communion 而圣年主題,是修和與共融,正好發揮福音勸喻。

She was nearly heartbroken when he ran off . i guess his return will make a jubilee to her 他跑掉的時候她幾乎心碎了,我猜他這次回來對她可是件大喜事呢。 ”

Shop no . 1 , 2 & 3 , level 3 , shopping arcade jubilee garden , lok king street , fo tan , sha tin , n . t 新界沙田火炭樂景街銀禧花園商場第3層1 , 2及3號鋪

Shop 601 , level 6 , jubilee gardens shopping arcade , 2 - 18 lok king street , fo tan , shatin , n . t 新界沙田火炭樂景街2 - 18號銀禧花園商場第6層601鋪

If he consecrates his field from the year of jubilee , according to your valuation it shall stand 17他若從禧年將田地奉獻,就要以你所估定的價為定。

For it is a jubilee and is to be holy for you ; eat only what is taken directly from the fields 12因為這是禧年,你們要當作圣年,吃地中自出的土產。