jubilation n.歡呼;喜悅;慶祝(勝利)。
n. 歡呼;喜悅;慶祝(勝利)。 “jubilation apartment“ 中文翻譯: 康樂大廈“years of jubilation“ 中文翻譯: 年祝“celebrate a festival with jubilation“ 中文翻譯: 歡度佳節“jubilation一片歡騰“ 中文翻譯: jubilation reigns everywhere.; a scene of“the whole city was a scene of jubilation“ 中文翻譯: 全市一片歡騰“tianshan mountain on jubilation“ 中文翻譯: 歡騰的天山“jubilate“ 中文翻譯: vi. 歡呼,歡欣。 n. 1.【宗教】復活節后的第三個星期日。 2.《舊約圣經》中的《詩篇》第一百篇(的樂曲)〔即 the Old Hundred(th)〕。 “jubilarian“ 中文翻譯: n. 五十周年紀念的慶祝者。 “jubile“ 中文翻譯: 禧年“jubilantly“ 中文翻譯: 揚聲歡呼地“jubilee“ 中文翻譯: n. 1.〔J-〕(古代猶太)五十年節〔每五十年舉行一次慶祝解放和復興的節日〕。 2.(天主教的)大赦年。 3.(結婚等)五十周年紀念;二十五周年紀念。 4.歡樂的節日。 5.歡樂。 6.〔美國〕(歌唱未來幸福時日的)黑人民歌。 the silver jubilee 二十五周年紀念。 the golden jubilee 五十周年紀念。 the diamond jubilee 六十周年紀念。 The Diamond J- 英國維多利亞女王統治六十周年紀念(一八九七年)。 We had a big jubilee to celebrate the victory. 我們舉行盛大的紀念以祝賀勝利。 They abandoned themselves to jubilee 他們沉醉在狂歡之中。 “jubilant“ 中文翻譯: adj. 歡呼的;喜氣洋洋的,歡欣鼓舞的. adv. -ly “jubilee bk“ 中文翻譯: 朱比利礁“jubilance when sun is rise“ 中文翻譯: 太陽出來喜洋洋
jubilee |
Brothers and sisters from all around formosa and resident practitioners from hsihu came to share the local initiates jubilation as spectacular performances were presented , followed by a great feast featuring over a hundred delicacies . the irresistible cuisine had more than two thousand fellow practitioners and guests in attendance spread out in long queues before numerous food booths 當天的慶祝活動精采熱鬧,在節目表演結束后,一場多達百樣佳肴的園游會緊接著登場,各項餐點美味精致,令會場二千多位同修與嘉賓食指大動,攤攤都是大排長。 |
“ china red ” colouring characteristic is assumes the color to be deep 、 pealike 、 lively , has more intense stimulating to the vision . in traditional chinese culture , red has represented the jubilation , happiness and propitious etc , has riches and honor propitious meaning . once had sent out the dazzling ray in chinaware history , because burns difficultly , its precious technique once lost in the historical dense fog , the red porcelain take the chinese tradition red color as the maincolor , on the scarlet bottle binds there is being fine design which becomescompared to the gold also precious rare metal tantalum burn , the whole artifacts overflows rich and propitious , the red porcelain history is glorious , contains the excellent artistic foundation of basic skills . is the traditional civilization and the modern science and technology perfect union and it is a valuable thing in contemporary chinaware “中國紅瓷”色彩絢爛、光亮瑩潤、造型秀麗、雍容典雅,而且基于高溫釉料的獨特技術優勢,可以在表面進行二次加工,配以名家字畫或烤金圖案,富于濃郁的民族特點和喜慶色彩,是高雅藝術與現代高科技的顛峰之作,具有無與倫比的高科技含量、豐富的文化內涵、極高的審美價值及收藏價值,為陶瓷工藝、陶瓷美學開辟了一個嶄新境界,是當今世界陶瓷科技與藝術的頂峰。 |
Mass - circulation beijing newspapers were carrying banners in red used only for extremely rare occasions of jubilation , and the beijing youth daily published a “ special olympics issue , “ with 24 colorful pages devoted almost entirely to the triumph in moscow 大量發行的北京各報紙都打上了紅色的標語,這種紅色標語是僅在極特殊的慶祝場合下才會使用的;北京青年報還發行了“奧運會專刊” ,在24頁彩色報紙中,內容幾乎都是關于在莫斯科的勝利。 |
Yet when the international whaling commission ( iwc ) , which regulates the industry , approved a motion to consider a return to hunting at its annual meeting held between june 16th and 19th , the response was jubilation and anguish 然而當負責管制這一產業的國際捕鯨委員會在6月16日至19日舉行的一年一度的大會上認可了一項提議考慮恢復捕獵時,得到的回應卻是慶祝和苦惱。 |
Baltimore - astronomers reacted with jubilation wednesday at new pictures of mars taken by the hubble space telescope , saying the planet ' s close pass to earth enabled the hubble to capture “ quite spectacular “ images 由于火星運行到了與地球最近的距離,才使得“哈勃”太空望遠鏡有機會拍攝到如此罕見的照片。歡騰,歡慶歡騰歡慶的行為。贏得,奪取,拍攝到 |
Against the backdrop / in the context of the 2008 version of olympic games , a rich program of events in a variety of forms will be staged , which will culminate in an international cultural pageantry amidst great jubilation 圍繞這屆奧運會,一系列豐富多彩、形態各異的文化、體育活動將陸續展開,匯為普天同慶的文化盛典。 |
Rich in natural colors , qiao reasonable use of color , picked clean color , collectors of fine appreciation of the potential is enormous display of jubilation like home , decorated with excellent results 色彩豐富自然,俏色運用合理,摘色干凈,收藏把玩升值潛力極大,擺放在家中喜歡喜慶,裝飾效果極佳。 |
The letter you sent me , invoking sometimes what people say , sometimes what you think on your own , and the two mixed together , reflects some sort of jubilation brought about my supposed misfortune 你寄給我的信,有些引述別人的說法,有些你自己的看法,兩者加在一起,反映出你對我的遭遇幸災樂禍。 |
There was , of course , jubilation in the ferrari camp , and rightfully so . bridgestone were also pretty pleased . no doubt the running they did here in last year ' s race helped 當然,法拉利營地中一片歡欣鼓舞。普利司通也非常高興。毫無疑問,去年在這里完成的比賽對他們很有幫助。 |
In the context of it , a rich program of events in a variety of forms will be staged , which will culminate in an international cultural pageantry amidst great jubilation 一系列豐富多彩、形態各異的文化、體育活動將圍繞它陸續展開,匯為普天同慶的文化盛典。 |
Just like what most local citizens have experienced recently , our teachers and students are all smiles today , filled with jubilation on this happy occasion 今天本校師生,和近期香港大部分市民一樣,喜氣洋溢,滿面歡容。 |
The chef troop is formidable , may continue each kind of jubilation banquet , the meeting , the prix fixe , the meeting meter and so on 遠望,夜晚的蘭開大酒店,霓虹閃爍,氣勢不凡,名副其實地成為城南一道亮麗的風景線。 |
When we do find that signal ( seti researchers dislike the word if ) , there ' s likely to be planet - wide jubilation 我們一旦真的發現這個信號(搜尋外星人研究人員不喜歡'假如'這個詞) ,整個行星都會歡欣鼓舞。 |
There was 5 jubilation at the nasa space agency at their success in landing on such a relatively small target so far away 美國航空航天署對在如此遙遠又相對如此小的行星上著陸成功感到歡欣雀躍。 |
There was 5 ) jubilation at the nasa space agency at their success in landing on such a relatively small target so far away 美國航空航天署對在如此遙遠又相對如此小的行星上著陸成功感到歡欣雀躍。 |
Many iraqis reacted with jubilation to saddam hussein ' s death sentence sunday , while others took to the streets in protest 侯賽于周日宣判死刑,許多人為之慶祝,然則其他的人卻上街*表示反對 |
National day , we qi joy , a total of 56 national jubilation , i wish our motherland is thriving 慶國慶,大家齊歡樂,五十六個民族共歡騰,祝我們的祖國欣欣向榮! |
We are a company specializing in research , production and sales of new products of jubilation 我公司專業從事新型喜慶用品研發、生產、營銷的公司。 |
When wayne rooney equalized on the hour there was only jubilation 當魯尼打進扮平比分的進球時,場內有的只是一片歡騰。 |