
jubilant adj.歡呼的;喜氣洋洋的,歡欣鼓舞的. adv.-ly...


The venue resounded with joyous laughter and all of the participants joined in jubilant dancing . the inmates expressed profuse thanks to master , and some were so overwhelmed by joy that they burst into tears 現場洋溢著歡笑聲,大家都高興得手舞足蹈,有的學員甚至喜極而泣,他們紛紛表達了對師父的感激之情。

The president of the company that owns the mine says the erroneous reports “ spread like wildfire , “ leading to jubilant celebrations by anxious family members gathered at a nearby church 該煤礦公司總裁說,錯誤的消息“像野火一樣擴散” 。守候在附近教堂急切盼望消息的礦工家屬信以為真,不由得歡呼雀躍。

Looking happy , relaxed , and jubilant to see everyone , master said that the dragon dance is an aulacese tradition to welcome distinguished guests like those sitting in the audience 師父說,舞獅是悠樂人歡迎像現場來賓這樣重要的貴賓時的一種傳統。師父的神情顯得非常輕松愉快,與大家見面時更是高興。

After a long , long season and an equally long time celebrating chelsea ' s first league title in fifty years , jubilant chelsea manager , jos mourinho shared his feelings 在漫長的賽季和同樣持久的俱樂部五十年來首個頂級聯賽冠軍的慶祝典禮之后,主教練何塞穆里尼奧喜形于色,并向我們分享了他的感受。

Ah wa mysterious mountain ! intoxicating liquor ! a jubilant folk songs ! the nation is fascinated - wa ! all in all cangyuan do ! ! ! ah wa beautiful mountain welcome your arrival ! 神秘的阿佤山!醉人的水酒!歡快的民歌!令人著迷的民族? ?佤族!一切的一切盡在滄源! ! !美麗的阿佤山歡迎您的到來! !

A young brother , who was very enthusiastic about wielding his sledge hammer for this purpose , was particularly jubilant any time someone suggested that another piece of a wall should come down 一個年輕的師兄熱衷于揮動大錘敲打墻壁,每當有人建議某一堵墻要敲掉時,他就特別興高采烈。

Terry was eventually taken from the pitch to a nearby hospital but recovered sufficiently to join his jubilant team - mates at the millennium stadium post - match 特里在當時就被送往了比賽場地附近的醫院,但是他恢復的很快,并且再賽后回到了加迪夫千年體育場與隊友一起慶祝了本賽季的首冠。

The result is a deeply mystical quality that is both jubilant and pensive , music that ultimately reflects the dimensions of the human spirit in all its complexity and simplicity 他的作品表現出神秘深邃的意境、樂章時而輕快,時而深沉,借著音樂描繪出人類靈魂簡單而又復雜的各個層面。

Jehovah your god in the midst of you is a mighty one who saves ; he will be jubilant over you with rejoicing ; he will rest in his love ; he will exult over you with a ringing shout 17耶和華你的神在你中間,是施行拯救的大能者; ?必因你歡欣喜樂,默然愛你,且因你喜樂而歡呼。

I told my dad , mother - they were thrilled . and only a month later i went to school , started in the 1st grade , no kindergarten , and i was ecstatic . i was jubilant 一個月后我上學去了,那時我直接念一年級,我那時很快樂,非常高興,因為我爸媽,哥哥和姊姊一直很疼愛我。

In addition several new initiates said that they had had an uplifting sensation during initiation as if their body were in outer space , and felt very comfortable and jubilant 有些新同修分享印心時的感覺,他們說好像身處在外太空中,覺得非常舒服喜悅。

Fulham ' s victory was their first over bitter west london rivals chelsea for 27 years and a handful of jubilant cottagers swept onto the pitch to celebrate 富咸球迷為慶祝27年黎首次打敗同樣來自西倫敦既宿敵車路士?紛紛系球證吹雞后落場歡呼。

In the early days of april 1865 , with the bloody war to preserve the union finished , swanson tells us , abraham lincoln was “ jubilant “ 斯旺森為我們講述道, 1865年4月上旬,隨著維護統一的慘烈戰爭的結束,亞伯罕姆?林肯“喜形于色” 。

To ommemorate the jubilant and glorious annual event of supreme master ching hai day , i would like to share a precious experience i had on october 25 , 2002 值此宇宙同歡的光輝清海日,我想和同修們分享發生在兩年前的殊勝體驗。

Introduction : drag the mouse items layout jubilant chinese restaurants , and the surplus items can be dumped into the lower right corner of containers inside 鼠標拖動物品布置喜慶中餐館,多余的物品可以扔到右下角垃圾箱里面。

Nasb : for the land of my people in which thorns and briars shall come up ; yea , for all the joyful houses and for the jubilant city 呂震中本:為我人民的土地、那長著荊棘和蒺藜的!為了歡躍的都市中一切娛樂的院落哀哭哦!

The reverse of the medal features a victorious athlete , a palm branch carried by jubilant athletes , and a stadium in the background 獎牌背面表現手持棕櫚葉的一群歡樂的運動員將獲勝運動員高高舉起的情景,背景是體育場。

At recess tom continued his flirtation with amy with jubilant self - satisfaction . and he kept drifting about to find becky and lacerate her with the performance 他走來竄去想讓貝基看見,以此來激怒她,傷她的心。

Drag the mouse items layout jubilant chinese restaurants , and the surplus items can be dumped into the lower right corner of containers inside 鼠標拖動物品布置喜慶中餐館,多余的物品可以扔到右下角垃圾箱里面。