
jubilance n.歡呼,興高采烈,喜氣洋洋。


And vibrant modern dance favored by young people amply demonstrated the jubilance and enthusiasm of these modern spiritual practitioners . the elegant publication corner , exhibition area for celestial clothes and jewelry , and children s amusement section all resounded with joyful laughter during the event as crowds filled the center with a warm and cheery atmosphere . next to the kitchen was the canteen area , where delicious vegetarian food was served to fellow practitioners and guests throughout the day 舞臺上優美動人的歌聲饒富民族風味的舞蹈及年輕人的動感勁舞,充分展現了現代修行人活潑開朗及樂觀洋溢的一面會場并設有雅致的經書區天衣天飾區和充滿歡樂的兒童游戲區,川流不息的人潮,帶動了整個道場熱鬧歡騰的氣氛,廚房旁邊的用餐區更是全天候為同修及來賓供應美味的素食佳肴。