
juba n.(美國黑人的)朱巴舞〔以手帕等加強舞蹈節奏〕。


As construction continues in juba , it is hoped the current peace being enjoyed in the country will pave way for more development not just in juba , but other southern sudanese towns as well 朱巴的建設還在持續當中的同時,也期待現在享有的和平,將為更多的發展鋪路,不只是在朱巴,還有其他南蘇丹的城鎮。

But most business - minded observers think such plans fanciful , like the models of juba skyscrapers in government offices 但是最具經營頭腦的觀察家認為,這些計劃又如空中樓閣,又如政府辦公樓里擺放的一些朱巴摩天大廈的模型。

The under secretary of the ministry of transport and roads , daniel wani , says reconstructing juba ' s roads is not an easy task 交通道路秘書管理部哇尼說,要重建朱巴的道路不是件簡單的工作。

Ministry buildings are going up , but many of juba ' s people live in tents 國家部門大樓在一棟棟落成,可朱巴的許多人民卻還居住在帳篷里。

Juba : can they hear you 朱巴:他們能聽見你嗎?

Juba : what do you say to them 朱巴:你對他們說什么?

Juba : your family . in the afterlife 朱巴:你的家人,在陰間。

Seen from juba , muddle and frustration prevail 縱觀朱巴時局,可以看到那里處處都是混亂與挫敗。