
jpl JPL=Jet Propulsion Laborator...


Autonomous formation flyer technology developed by jpl is used three receiving antennas and one transmitting antenna are installed on each satellite each of satellites can transmit analog gps signal but more accuracy . the multiple receiving antennas on the every satellite are capable of acquiring precise pesudorange and carrier phase signals transmitted by other satellite and compose of a kind of onboard augment gps system 在文中,利用jpl提出的自主編隊飛行技術aff ,在每個編隊衛星上安裝一個發射天線和三個接收天線,每一個發射天線可以發射類似于gps的高精度偽距和載波信號,與其它衛星上的多個接收天線構成星載擴展gps系統。

In perhaps the most unusual proposal of all , scientists from nasa ' s jet propulsion laboratory ( jpl ) in california are proposing to build a probe that uses heated water jets to descend to depths of up to a hundred meters through the frozen ice caps at the martian poles inn search of organic matter 在或許是最不一般的建議的倡導下,加利福尼亞州航空航天局噴氣推進實驗室( jpl )的科學家們正在計劃建造一臺探測器,使用熱水射流穿透火星極地的冰帽,深入到100米以下,搜尋有機物質。

Text 15 - - para . 4 six years of relatively sparse data from a fledgling network of global positioning system ( gps ) deformation monitors , that had been developed and installed around southern california by scientists at jpl and other organizations , had detected that earth ' s crust was being squeezed closed across the ventura basin 通過全球定位系統監控儀? gps和其他機構的科學家將這一系統安裝在南加利福尼亞?提供的六年不太充分的數據已經表明地殼在溫圖瑞盆地附近受到擠壓

Since the technology of intelligent control was first used in the spacecraft in the 60 ' s 20th century by jpl laboratory , the high performance of spacecraft autonomy has been one of the important goals pursued by the spacecraft designing engineer 從20世紀60年代jpl實驗室將自主智能控制技術應用于航天器以來,盡可能地提高航天器的自主運行水平已是航天器發展的大趨勢。多傳感器信息處理技術是航天器自主運行技術中的重要內容。

This may also be hot enough to produce the possible precursors for life , said the study ' s lead author , dennis matson of the jet propulsion laboratory ( jpl ) in pasadena / pe - se - di - ne / , california 加州帕薩迪那市的噴氣推進試驗所的丹尼斯& # 8226 ;馬生,作為這項研究的領導,說這個溫度也足夠構成產生原始生命所需的物質條件。

Jpl scientists admit the idea is “ aggressive , even audacious “ , but are convinced that it is both practical and feasible 該實驗室科學家承認,這個想法是“有闖勁的,甚至是大膽的” ,但它既實際又可行,很有說服力。