
joyous adj.=joyful. adv.-ly ,-ness ...


Yet contact between the dead and the living can be joyous 但死者與生者之間的聯絡也可以是令人高興的。

For earth this is a joyous moment 這是地球一個歡樂的時刻。

This spring equinox is a joyous time in the ascent of earth 今年春分在地球提升中是一個快樂的時刻。

Their joyous and cheery radiance touched everyone present 浪漫歡樂開朗的氣氛感染在場的每一個人。

[ color = # 000099 ] to [ / color ] my dearest love on this joyous christmas 值此歡樂佳節,獻給我的心上人。

This is truly a joyous time . congratulations and good luck 這真是快樂的一刻。恭喜你,祝你好運。

For a special someone is sometimes joyous , sometimes a chore 為特別某人是有時歡悅的,有時差事。

Here ' s wishing all a super joyous christmas ! ! ! 在這里祝大家都有一個特別快樂的圣誕節! ! ! !

Let students feel joyous and in festive mood 讓學生感受佳節的喜悅

The poem is a joyous affirmation of the power of love 這首詩以歡快的筆觸肯定了愛情的力量。

The poem is a joyous affirmation of the power of love 這首詩是對愛情的力量歡欣鼓舞的肯定。

When is the joyous farmer ’ s house closing 農家樂什么時候結束營業?

Joyous , serene , and totally uncontrived 喜悅、安詳且完全的無有造作。

On this joyous occasion , may all goes well with you 在洋溢著歡笑的日子里,祝你萬事如意。

Wishing you a very restful and joyous labor day 祝你勞動節輕松愉快!

Here ' s wishing all a super joyous christmas ! ! ! 在這里祝大家都有個超級歡樂的圣誕節! ! !

A joyous opening and gratifying ching hai day celebration 清海日感念師恩,歡欣鼓舞慶落成

Reaching 50 ought to be a joyous occasion 50周年慶本該是一件可喜的事。

Many blessings on this most joyous of days 在這最歡樂的一天中有很多祝福