
joyance n.〔古語〕快樂,喜悅。


After years endeavor , dycon has established the nation - wide perfectmarketing network and service system . dycon company adsolutely has the strength to provide the excellent market services for the franchise joining in dycon , and make the franchisers get the rich return as dycon partnersand enjoy the achievement and joyance from the innivation 黛龍已經建成完善的市場營銷體系和網絡,公司完全有實力為所有加盟黛龍的經銷商提供幼稚的市場服務,讓所有經銷商應為加盟而得到實惠的回報。

Make a determined effort no longer then , try hard no longer ; lost the desire to do better then ; had a good news not to wish to tell others then , allow good thing , annihilation is in bottom of the heart , become permanent memory . . . we look forward to the parent and teachers to be able to be praised to us , even if be of an a the word of a praise , encouraged eyes , sincerity , smile . . . but they make us disappointed however , blow our joyance , in this colourful world , little a warmth 于是不再發憤,不再努力;于是失去了上進心;于是有了喜訊不愿告訴別人,讓美好的東西,湮沒在心底,成為永久的記憶… …我們一次次盼望家長與老師們能給我們表揚,哪怕是一句贊揚的話、一個鼓勵的眼神、一個真誠的微笑… …可他們卻一次次讓我們失望,一次次吹走我們的喜悅,在這個五彩繽紛的世界里,少了一份溫馨。

Line just deserved forcedly to act the role of a design slightly can you strong hand opposite party stealthily with self - confident feeling , also can choose aureate or gules delicate vanity of course , to dress up the atmosphere that adds a few lively joyance 線條略為剛硬的配飾設計能將你的強勢與自信感靜靜傳遞給對方,當然也可選擇金色或紅色的精致手袋,為裝扮增加一些熱鬧喜悅的氣氛。

“ give me tiny light , return you infinity sunshine “ we will always provide you unexpected joyance with our topping products and perfect after - service 本公司將一如既往地貫徹“給我少許關愛,回報無限陽光”經營理念,讓你不時體驗一份喜悅,用我力求完美的服務給你永久的支持。

I don ' t know what mood he has , neither any joyance of going home , nor any reluctant to part from china , only has reluctance to the trip 看不出他的心情怎樣,沒有即將回家的喜悅,也沒有對離開中國的戀戀不舍,有的只是對于旅行的無奈