
joy n.喬伊〔女子名〕。

joy ride

He went beyond himself with joy . 他歡喜得忘形了。

The dog gave voice to his joy . 狗高興得汪汪地叫。

He was just bursting with joy . 他簡直是欣喜若狂。

Joy mingled with surprise . 驚異和喜悅交織在一起。

I was full and effervescing with joy of creation . 由于創作的樂趣,我感到滿足和歡欣。

Does he not shed tears of joy as well as grief ? 他不是忽而樂極而涕,忽而痛極而號嗎?

That had been a night of unmixed joy and rapture . 那是充滿了真摯的快樂和狂歡的一夜。

Let 's sing a song of joy . 歡樂的歌兒唱呀么唱起來。

The good tidings filled the whole nation with joy . 捷報傳來,全國人民無不歡欣鼓舞。

He could have danced for joy . 他真是高興得要跳起來。

The knowledge of our victory caused great joy .. 我們獲得勝利的消息傳來,萬眾歡騰。

Her face beamed with joy . 她的臉上浮泛著愉快的神情。

Joy is the antithesis of sorrow . 歡樂是苦惱的對立面。

I gave him joy of his deliverance . 我祝賀他得獲自由。

Youth and the joy of life were in his blood . 他的血液里充滿了青春以及生命的歡樂。

This pertains to sadness or joy . 這與悲傷或歡樂有關。

The joy overpays the toil . 所得的快樂超過付出的辛勞。

The joy i had felt all day died for a moment . 我一天的高興,傾刻之間,煙消云散。

His face expressed great joy . 他臉上顯出很高興的樣子。