
jove n.1.【羅馬神話】=Jupiter.2.〔詩〕木星。短...


Having been successful in combining chinese traditional medicine ( ctm ) culture and modern technology , tenet jove has made great progress in development of mineral traditional chinese medicine , normal temperature far infrared technology , and apocynum fiber and gained many national patents “天益嘉華”卓有成效的將中醫藥學文化與現代科技融為一體,在礦物中藥、常溫遠紅外技術、羅布麻纖維的醫用開發方面取得了長足的進步,已獲得多項國家專利。

Now tenet jove technological development co . , ltd . has become a group company made up of five manufacturing enterprises , five sales subsidiaries , 1000 distributors in 13 provinces , and more than 40 franchisers 今天的“天益嘉華”已經發展成為擁有5家生產性企業、 5家銷售子公司、 15個省市1000余家專賣店、 40個地級市經銷商為骨干的科技型集團化管理企業。

“ by jove ! “ exclaimed rhodes - fotheringham , with peculiar puffed cheeks . he appeared to be somewhat perturbed by blake ' s proclamation , and i noticed how agitated he became as his companion continued the tale “天呀! ”拉霍斯-佛斯林漢姆喊道。他臉上的肉松垮垮的,他像是被布萊克的話嚇到了,我注意到當布萊克講故事的時候,他變得越來越不安。

Danglars made no reply ; he was occupied in anticipations of the coming scene between himself and the baroness , whose frowning brow , like that of olympic jove , predicted a storm 騰格拉爾雖沒有回答,但他心里已經預感到自己將和男爵夫人大鬧一場的,男爵夫人這時怒氣沖沖的,眉頭緊鎖,象奧林匹斯山上的眾神之王,這預示著一場暴風雨就要到來了。

Tenet jove shows broad ambition to revive national healthcare industry , compete with the top international healthcare companies and maintaining the sustainable development of the healthcare industry “天益嘉華人”將以健康事業的永續經營和發展,振興民族產業,與國際知名保健品企業同臺競爭,實現產業報國的宏圖大志。

Meanwhile , tenet jove ' s competitive innovationmechanism has attracted hundreds of excellent researching and management talents in china , who have created many no ones in farinfrared field for healthcare purpose 富有競爭力的創新機制聚集了國內眾多優秀的科研人才和管理人才,在全國醫用遠紅外領域內創造了數項第一。

Yes ? 熏 by jove ? 選 returned freddie do you know ? 熏 i believe that if i hadn t kept the brake on we should have gone down back ? 鄄 wards “是的,天哪! ”弗雷迪回答說, “你知道嗎?要不是我一直捏著車閘,我相信我們早就向后滾下去了! ”

Toward mortals mars could show himself , on occasion , as vindictive as his fair foe , minerva , the unwearied daughter of jove 對于凡人,馬爾斯有時表現得就跟他那美貌的對手、朱庇特的那永不怠倦的女兒密涅瓦一樣的復仇心切。

Jove gives his promise , and confirms it with the irrevocable oath , attesting the river styx , terrible to the gods themselves 朱庇特應允了,還發誓絕不食言,且指定冥河斯提克斯? ?眾神聽了都要發抖的名字? ?做他的監誓人。

Mars was reconciled with diana , and jove , for the sake of domestic peace , packed his little laundress off into a constellation 戰神和月神言歸于好。為了使家庭生活安寧,朱庇特把他的小洗衣女送到一個星座上去。

“ by jove , “ the speaker blurted out , “ you will have to excuse me . i forgot the name of the “ blooming “ woman . “天哪”他甩出這幾句, “您得原諒我。我忘了這‘該死的’女人的名字啦。 ”

Was rose going to waste time over such a folly as that ? in that sort of case , by jove , he blocked the way 羅絲也許不會把時間用來干這樣的蠢事吧,如果發生這種情況,他要進行干涉的。

That will be a great race tomorrow in germany . the gordon bennett . - yes , by jove , mr dedalus said “但愿不至于, ”馬丁坎寧翰說, “明天在德國有一場大賽戈登貝納特63 。 ”

“ by jove , it was sure to happen ! “ she cried . “ you ve brought them back again under your feet 肯定還有, ”她反復說道, “你的腳底把碎屑又帶到床上了這我可受不了!

“ jove , it s at nana s then , “ murmured la faloise . “ i might have expected as much ! 原來是在娜娜家里, ”拉法盧瓦茲低聲說道, “我早就應該料到這地方了! ”

“ no , by jove , “ said he , all of a sudden , “ one ' s hair turns grey here . “不行,憑什么也不行, ”他忽然說, “在這個地方呆下去,連頭發可都要變白了。

“ by jove , you re right ! “ cried fauchery . “ i was saying that i had come across her ! “噢,你說得對, ”福什利嚷道, “我說過我認識她! ”

“ no , by jove , “ he said all of a sudden , “ one s hair turns gray here “啊!不對, ”他突然說道, “在這里呆下去,人會變老的。

By jove , happy thought 我想起來了!