
joust n.1.(騎士等的)馬上槍術比武。2.〔 pl.〕比賽。...


He competes in all of the mounted contests skill at arms on horseback , which tests his skill and accuracy with a variety of weapons and the fully - armoured joust 他參與所有的騎乘比賽馬上搏擊和全能騎乘槍術比賽。馬上搏擊主要考驗他是否能熟練運用各種不同的兵器在馬上作戰。

Each heat consists of four disciplines archery , mounted skill at arms , foot combat and jousting that test each competitors full range of skills 每場預賽有四項內容箭術、馬上搏擊、徒步搏擊和馬上槍術比賽,目的是測驗競賽者的綜合技能。

Jousts , slush and uproar of battles , the frozen deathspew of the slain , a shout of spear spikes baited with men s bloodied guts 戰場上的拼搏泥濘和喊聲,陣亡者彌留之際的嘔吐物結成了冰,長矛挑起鮮血淋漓的內臟時那尖叫聲。

The tournament has begun ! who will be victorious in the final joust , the brave knight on horseback , or the evil skeleton rider 戰斗開始了!誰將是最后的勝利者,是在馬背上的勇敢的騎士,還是邪惡的骨骼騎者?

I am among them , among their battling bodies in a medley , the joust of life 我也是他們當中的一員,夾在那些你爭我奪混戰著的身軀當中,一場生活的拼搏。

An english heritage knight takes part in a jousting tournament english heritage 一名來自英國遺產部的騎士參加了馬上槍術比賽。

The two warriors jousted with each other to see who can marry the princess 這兩名勇士互相進行馬上長槍比武,看誰能娶到公主。

Jousting , 14th century 馬術大會14世紀的

You care more about your fan club and your next jousting tournament 你更在乎你的個人俱樂部還有你下一個騎士比賽

Command your knights to joust valiantly and defeat their foes 命令您的騎士英勇地戰斗并擊敗他們的敵人。

He ' s like “ guys , i can ' t . i ' ve gotta practice my jousting . 他都回絕說: “兄弟們我沒空啊,還得練功呢”

He ' s like “ guys , i can ' t . i ' ve gotta practice my jousting . 他都回絕說: “兄弟們我沒空啊,還得練功呢”

Joust for the fate of the kingdom 一場決定王國命運的戰斗!

Mr . modesty won the joust last night 謙虛先生昨天晚上贏了一場決斗

You should see him joust . he is like joe jouster 你應該看看他比武,簡直就是職業選手