
journey n.1.(通常指陸上的)旅行〔cf. voyage〕; ...


I wish you a good journey ! 祝你一路順風。

I wish you a happy journey ! 祝你一路順風。

The club split on the journey question into two groups . 俱樂部在外出旅行的問題分裂為兩派。

I don't like going a long journey in a smoker . 我不喜歡坐在一節可以吸煙的車廂里長途旅行。

Jude turned away to pursue his solitary journey home . 裘德也轉身上了他那踽踽獨行的歸路。

Scott and his companions set out on the return journey . 斯科特和他的伙伴們起身踏上歸程。

He made a resolve to go on a journey early in the next morning . 他決意明天一早就動身。

They made speed with their journey . 他們急忙趕路。

The journey by plane was out . 坐飛機的計劃告吹了。

He thought much of the evils of the journey for her . 他非常掛念她旅途中的各種不便。

The journey ahead of him was, to say the least, hazardous . 前面的道路無疑是艱險的。

The sun only to repeat this journey the next day . 太陽只是日復一日地重復這個過程。

It was a busy, as it turned out, fretful journey . 旅途公務繁忙,實際上也頗為焦急。

I guess you are feeling tired after your journey . 我想你在旅行之后一定感到很疲勞。

It 's about half an hour 's journey . 大約半小時路程。

The long journey has done him . 長途旅行使他疲勞不堪。

Happily i was spared the journey and the trouble . 幸好,我省去了這趟出行和麻煩。

We are now on our last lap of long journey . 我們現在已經到漫長旅途的最后一段了。

We were totally shattered after the long journey . 我們經過長途旅行都已精疲力竭。