
journalism n.1.新聞工作,新聞寫作,新聞編輯,報刊出版;新聞出版...


He says he only does serious journalism now 他說他現在只做正經新聞。

She also helped to pave the way for women in journalism 布萊也協助女性在新聞業界的發展。

An analysis of the present situation of chinese journalism education 中國新聞教育現狀分析

On the necessity of journalism consciousness of science editors 科技期刊編輯要有新聞意識

An academic course training students in journalism 新聞學訓練學生從事新聞工作的一門學科

On the journalism and publication system in russian federation 俄羅斯聯邦的新聞出版制度

The review of chinese journalism researches in 2006年中國新聞學研究回顧

On the study of chinese journalism and communication science 近年中國新聞傳播學研究概述

After he left school , he took up journalism 他畢業離校后從事了新聞業。

The dilemma and breakthrough of the people ' s livelihood journalism 民生新聞的困境和突圍

Journalism ' s first obligation is to the truth 新聞的首要義務是真實性。

Journalism is just the art of capturing behavior 新聞工作無非是捕捉人們的行為的藝術。

Some reflections on marxist views of journalism 馬克思主義新聞觀及其特色

And received a masters in journalism from uc berkeley 為不少著名導演的作品擔任監制。

But what is the difference between literature and journalism 文學與報道的區別是什么?

Development in marxism outlook on journalism 論馬克思主義新聞觀的發展軌跡

Evaluating and strengthening the study of journalism 重視和加強新聞學研究

Persist in the reform and creation of journalism 堅持新聞事業的改革和創新

Chen duxiu ' thought on journalism in his early years 陳獨秀早年的新聞思想