
journal n.1.日記,日志。 【航海】航海日記。2.【會計】分類...


Chinese journal of experimental traditional medical formulae 中國實驗方劑學雜志

Chinese journal of contemporary neurology and neurosurgery 中國現代神經疾病雜志

Journal of tianjin normal university social science 天津師范大學學報社會科學版

The philosophy about publishing modern academic journals 現代學術期刊的辦刊理念

Journal of sun yatsen university social science edition 中山大學學報社會科學版

Journal of zhejiang ocean university nature science 浙江海洋學院學報自然科學版

Journal of chongqing university social sciences edition 重慶大學學報社會科學版

Chinese journal of medical library and information science 中華醫學圖書情報雜志

Journal of university of science and technology beijing 北京科技大學學報英文版

To track changes on a volume , see change journals 跟蹤改變一個值,看他定期改變

Practical clinical journal of integrated traditional chinese 實用中西醫結合臨床

Thought on network construction in university journals 高校學報網絡化建設的思考

Journal of hebei engineering and technical college 河北工程技術高等專科學校學報

What journals should do for building applied oriented university 學報應做些什么

Journal of jilin university information science edition 吉林大學學報信息科學版

Journal of beijing electronic science and technology institute 電子科技大學學報

Journal of shanghai jiaotong university medical science 上海交通大學學報醫學版

Journal of adult education college of hubei university 湖北大學成人教育學院學報

It was not until he reached new york and started out to make the new york journal the most widely read paper in the united states that yellow journalism reached the limit . 他到達紐約并且把《紐約新聞》辦成美國最廣泛閱讀的報紙的時候,黃色新聞才達到它的頂峰。