
joule n.1.朱爾〔姓氏〕。2.James P. Joule焦...


The finite element method ( fe ' . i ) is adopted to analyze the effects of the numbers of coil turns , current intensity and current frequency upon the rate of joule heat generation in details . the thermo - radiation analytical countermeasures of various types are adopted to carry out the numerical analysis of the effects of the crucible with different shapes and sizes and the blind holes with different depths opened in the tops of crucibles as well as coil positions upon the thermal field distribution whereby solving the main problem of field the thermo - field design of the induction - heating sic crystal growth system . a new combination idea of the thermo - field design obtained by means of the united design of the thermo - insulator and blind holes has been presented 采用有限元分析方法對線圈匝數、電流強度、電流頻率等對焦耳熱產生速率的影響進行了詳細的分析討論;采用不同的熱輻射分析策略,對不同坩堝形狀、坩堝頂部開設不同深度的盲孔以及線圈的位置等對熱場分布的影響進行了數值分析,解決了感應加熱碳化硅晶體生長系統熱場設計的主要問題,提出了通過絕熱層與盲孔的聯合設計獲得所需熱場設計的思路,給出了根據軸向溫度梯度的波動對線圈位置實行動態調節以控制熱場的理論依據。

According to the working theory of the joule - thomson throttle coolers , the characteristics of mixed refrigerant and thermodynamic performance of a mixed - refrigerant j - t refrigeration cycle are analyzed systematically . the essence of improving thermodynamic efficiency of j - t coolers with mixed - refrigerant is revealed in - depth . 4 闡述了混合工質j - t節流制冷機的工作原理,研究單純工質和混合物工質的節流效應,比較混合工質節流制冷機與純工質節流制冷機分析方法上的一些不同,分析了采用混合工質提高節流制冷機熱效率的機理; 4

Because of its good electrical conductivity , cfrc specimens will engender joule effect when a relatively low voltage was added to them . if there are flaws inside , the surface temperature distribution of the specimens should be uneven . therefore , infrared thermograph ndt can be conducted 利用碳纖維混凝土良好的導電性,通過對碳纖維混凝土試件施加較低的電壓,使其產生焦耳效應,如果試件內部存在缺陷,將在表面產生溫度差,從而可以利用紅外熱像技術進行無損檢測。

The physical characteristic of forming plasma within resonant cavity was revealed , i . e . the forming mechanism is a switching process from the ionization caused by strong electric field at the initial stage of mpt ' s start to another ionization caused by joule ' s heat at the stage of mpt ' s steady work . the main influencing factors of mpt ' s steady work were studied . anther pointed out the matching between pressure in resonant cavity and microwave power is the determinant factor to the plasma whether stabilization or extinguishing 分析了mpt諧振腔內微波能量的轉換過程,揭示了其內等離子體的形成是由mpt啟動初期的強電場電離形成放電區過渡到穩定工作期的熱電離形成穩態等離子體區這一物理本質;研究了影響mpt穩定工作的主要因素,指出微波有效功率與諧振腔內氣體壓強的匹配是維持等離子體穩定、避免等離子體消失、放電區熄滅的關鍵因素。

It can acquire the voltage on the test appliance and current in the circuit . and it can see these electrical signals as its input and calculates based on the data and gives the parameters and waveform that user needed . the parameters we can get through calculation include power factor , joule ' s integral , available value , maximal value , minimum value , time constant etc . recently , there are many scholar is studying the algorithm that calculate the parameter using test data , but many of them adopt the heuristic method , not using the test data directly 本課題研制一套電器試驗參數高速采集系統,能夠檢測試驗回路中試品上的電壓信號和回路中的電流信號,并根據這些電信號的數值利用計算機進行在線計算,并給出用戶需要的各種電參數值和用戶需要的波形圖,通過計算得到的電器參數有功率因數、焦耳積分、有效值、最大最小值、時間常數等。

The main work lists as following : 1 on the condition that cfrc is an macroscopically isotropic material , the governing equations of electric and thermal conduction for the inspection were established ; the current density and joule heat distribution around several kinds of flaws were investigated 2 by fem , the process of inspection was simulated ; the current density , joule heat and temperature distribution were also investigated , and the simulation results were contrasted with experimental data 主要工作為: 1 、將機敏混凝土合理假定為宏觀各向同性材料的基礎上,建立了檢測過程中的熱、電傳導相關的控制方程;并研究了幾種不同缺陷周圍檢測過程中的電流密度、焦耳熱分布規律。 2 、通過有限元方法對機敏混凝土的電熱場進行了模擬分析,研究電流密度、焦耳熱分布及試件表面溫度分布變化規律并與實驗所得試件表面溫度場進行了對比分析研究。

Supported by the 863 program under grants no . 2002aa005010 - 1 and national science foundation under grants no . 50078042 , this dissertation makes use of the joule heating effect of carbon fiber electrically conductive concrete to deice or melt snow 本文在“ 863 ”高科技項目(編號: 2002aa005010 - 1 )和國家自然科學基金項目(編號: 50078042 )的資助下,以碳纖維導電混凝土的電熱效應來達到融雪化冰的目的。

It is not a great deal of energy ? equivalent to about 109 joules per kilogram of hydrogen , much less than the 1015 joules released by the nuclear fusion of the same amount of hydrogen 這能量其實沒有多大游離每公斤的氫需要約109焦耳的能量,遠低于等量的氫進行核融合所釋放出的1015焦耳,所以就算宇宙中只有百萬分之一的氫在恒星內進行核融合反應,也能產生足夠的能量把剩下所有的氫給游離掉。

Joule - thomson ( j - t ) refrigeration cycle has many applications in the field of energy , national defence , biomedical storage and cryosurgery , due to its simple structure , reliable performance and low cost J - t節流制冷機以其結構簡單、可靠性高、適應性強的特點,在能源、軍工、空間、生物、醫療和生命科學等領域得到了日益廣泛的重視和應用。

The induction heating generates heat by means of joule effect resulting from an eddy current . it is widely used in industrial operations due to its high efficiency , precise control and low pollution properties 感應加熱利用工件中渦流的焦耳效應將工件加熱,該方法具有效率高、控制精確、污染少等特點,在工業生產中得到了廣泛的應用。

On the research of cfrc , infrared thermograph detection under joule heat by adding voltage to the cfrc specimens is found to be a feasible and effective method of inspection , which can avoid the defects 在碳纖維混凝土( cfrc )的研究中發現,對碳纖維混凝土試件進行外加電壓的焦耳內熱源紅外檢測可以改善上述存在的局限性。

It is difficult to achieve the analytical solution of temperature field with internal joule heat generation under steady state electric field , especially when the distribution of the joule heat is complicated 摘要在穩恒電場條件下,尤其是當焦耳熱分布情況很復雜時,求解含焦耳熱源的穩態熱傳導問題解析解具有一定的困難。

The heat conduction problems with joule heats are greatly simplified and no matter how the joule heat is distributed and no matter which coordinates are adopted , this method is still available 此方法使焦耳內熱源溫度場問題得到簡化,并且不論焦耳熱源的分布如何,不論何種正交坐標系均可采用。

The company has three cfbc boilers . its heat capacity per year is 400 million kwh and its electricity productivity per year is 6 . 8 million joule 現有員工1100人,占地670畝,總裝機量58mw ,配裝三臺高溫高壓鍋爐,總蒸發量460t h ,年發電能力4億kwh ,年供熱能力680萬吉焦。

The three laws including joule law , gay - lussac law and charles law are simultaneously worked out by use of first 、 second law of thermodynamics and boyle law 摘要利用熱力學第一、二定律和玻意耳定律,同時導出了焦耳定律、蓋?呂薩克定律和查理定律。

There are two paths for establishment of the state equation of ideal gas , to one path , the joule ' s law is independent , to the other , it is not 摘要建立理想氣體狀態方程有兩條途徑,沿第一條途徑焦耳定律是獨立的,而沿第二條途徑則焦耳定律不獨立。

3 the analytical solution of steady - state temperature field with internal joule heat generation for sound structure is firstly investigated 3 、研究了在焦耳內熱源條件下,無缺陷結構穩態熱傳導問題,并獲得了其解析的求解方法。

Experiment study on compositions shift in a multicomponent mixed - refrigerant joule - thomson cryocooler driven by an oil - free compressor 無油壓縮機驅動的混合工質節流制冷機工質濃度變化特征的實驗研究

Conventional copper - based equipment conducts electricity but inherently has energy losses associated with ( joule ) heating 傳統使用以銅為材料的設備進行供電,但必然存在著能量損耗與(焦耳)熱。