
jotter n.1.匆匆記下某事的人。2.(作備忘錄用的)小筆記本,...


Five tallwhitehatted sandwichmen between monypeny s corner and the slab where wolfe tone s statue was not , eeled themselves turning h . e . l . y . s and plodded back as they had come . then she stared at the large poster of marie kendall , charming soubrette , and , listlessly lolling , scribbled on the jotter sixteens and capital esses 五個頭戴白色高帽的廣告人來到莫尼彭尼商店的街角和還不曾豎立沃爾夫托恩85雕像的石板之間,他們那helys的蜿蜒隊形就掉轉過來,拖著沉重的腳步沿著原路走回去。

If 10 years ago , in chinese custom , piece close sure , take a thing to enter examination of meeting passing gift , once i am asked by custom detain rmb 1000 yuan 1 , because take jotter to enter , close to was not taken away 假如10年前,在中國海關,出關沒問題,帶東西入關才會檢查,有一次我被海關要求押了人民幣1千元,因為帶筆記本入關沒有帶走!

If you have some secret information recommend that you use this tool has been arbitrary code crack registration software description : you can use immedia 如果你有些秘密的信息推薦你使用這個工具已破解任意碼注冊軟件簡介:利用jotter你可以即時記錄筆記

I know , jotter is too general now , custom is paid no attention to commonly , need not declare at customs later 我所知道,現在筆記本太普遍,海關一般都不理,以后就不用報關了!

Nicolas code supports the synchronization of the address book , calendar , and jotter applications Nicolas的代碼支持地址簿、日歷和記事本應用程序的同步。

Best jotter , the patron saint of the notebook Best jotter記事本的守護神