
jostle vt.1.(用肘)推,擠,撞;貼近。2.惹,刺激,使激動...


Still , the differences among the auto makers suggest competing technologies will jostle for prominence 不過,汽車制造商之間的分歧表明具有競爭力的技術將成為爭奪的焦點。

Equally the large nmber of airlines jostling for the available passengers has created a huge excess of capacity 同樣地,眾多的航空公司爭奪有限的乘客,造成了供大于求

They do not jostle each other ; each marches straight ahead . they plunge through defenses without breaking ranks 8彼此并不擁擠,向前各行其路。直闖兵器,不偏左右。

All those men were jostling with each other on the running track , as if the result was so important 瞧那些人在跑道上你沖我撞的,似乎比賽的結果真的就是那樣重要。

In the jostling crowd , in the lovely but bustling world , how many people can share the same feeling 比肩接踵的人群,孤獨忙碌的塵世,能有多少人共著同一份悲喜?

The reason is that vendors compete with each other for customers and are continuously jostling for position 原因就是廠商之間對客戶的競爭,持續地相互碰撞。

The well - alignment of tubes is due to the base growth mode and the jostle effect 由于底部成長模式與推擠效應兩者之作用,奈米碳管因而能整齊排列垂直于基板。

She , mellors , and clifford moved at once , connie and the keeper jostling lightly . the chair stood 康妮和守獵人輕輕地相碰著,車子停住了,大家沉默了一會。

You can rest assured that despite his jostling and wrangling , your aries dad is always on your team 放心,盡管他言辭苛責,但他永遠是你的好爸爸。

For in the springtime flowers come in crowds , and the busy wings of bees jostle each other 因為在春天繁花盛開,蜜蜂的忙碌的翅翼也彼此摩擠。

At the bridge he jostled against a cossack who had lagged behind , and he galloped on 在橋上他碰見一個落在后面的哥薩克后,繼續往前沖。

Is television the only medium in which vastly dissimilar messages jostle against one another 電視是唯一一個迥異資訊相互沖突的媒介嗎?

Is television the only medium in which vastly dissimilar messages jostle against one another 電視是唯一一個迥異信息相互沖突的媒介嗎?

A teenager in a leather jacket jostled his way through crowd , looking for trouble 一位身著皮茄克的少年從人群中擠過去,真是自討苦吃。

Some women who had come out of a cafe jostled him amid loud laughter 從一家咖啡館里出來的一些女人,嘻嘻哈哈用胳膊肘對他推推搡搡。

I only jostled her accidentally in the crowd yet she screamed blue murder 在人群中我只是無意推了她一下,然而她卻大聲慘叫。

Then dart swiftly away to an open area , away from the jostling crowd at the stand 然后飛奔至寬敞處,離開冷飲亭的擁擠人群。

And just jostle it a little because they are all going to come up one day 而且僅只稍微推擠它因為有一天他們全部將會出現。

Don ' t jostle . but go faster 別擠,走快一點