
josh n.喬希〔男子名,Joshua的昵稱〕。


Uncles josh s punkin centre stories 喬希叔叔的故事

I like josh ' s plan . let ' s run with it and see how it works 我喜歡喬什的計劃。我們就這么辦吧,看看效果如何。

Cher : oh look , josh is dancing with tai , he never dances 切爾:哦,看哪,喬希在跟泰跳舞,他以前從來不跳舞。

< i > josh , i put this together . < / i > 是我把這事辦成的!

Josh , come on down , come watch , 喬什,下來,下來看著

Check the feeds for me , josh 幫我檢查輸氣裝置,喬希

Josh , can you hear me ? - buddy , look in your monitor right now -賈許,你有聽到嗎? -我們正在熒幕上看著你

Josh ' s vital signs are dropping 喬希的生命信號在減弱

- thank you . - gladly . latte on the left there for you , josh -謝謝-我的榮幸,你的是左邊那杯-喬希,這是你的

At the christmas dance last year , i went with this boy josh ward 去年圣誕舞會上我認識了這個男孩喬席?瓦德

To ask her out , until 10 years later . josh was in the emergency room , 約她出去,直到10年后,一次在急診室

Just joshing , ken . fine vehicle 開個玩笑,肯一輛好車

Almost there . yeah , almost there , josh 就快好了,賈許

Thank you . - gladly . latte on the left there for you , josh 謝謝-我的榮幸,你的是左邊那杯-喬希,這是你的

You were with josh last weekend 上禮拜你跟賈許在一起?

Josh , cover his back ! cover his back 喬希,從后面包抄

I ' m just joshing you . sorry 我只是跟你開個玩笑,不好意思

I can ' t get it , josh . i can ' t get it 我搞不定,喬希我搞不定

Josh , is there any image you can pull up 賈許,有影像顯示嗎?