
josephine n.約瑟芬〔女子名〕。


For napoleon the turn of the tied came soon after he divorced josephine 對拿破侖來說,他與約瑟芬離婚不久形勢就急轉直下了。

Ms josephine chang ka - kai 鄺綺顏女士

Aunt josephine , this - 約瑟芬姑媽,這是

The myth of josephine siao 蕭芳芳的神話

Who s this , josephine 這是誰,佐士芬?

Female artist gu , josephine 女藝人顧美華

Artist name : gu , josephine 藝人名稱:顧美華

Thank you , miss josephine 謝謝你,約瑟芬小姐

You know what napoleon gave josephine as a wedding present 你知道當拿破侖和約瑟芬結婚的時候他給了她什么禮物?

Do you know what napoleon gave josephine on their wedding day 你知道拿破侖和約瑟芬結婚的那天送了她什么禮物嗎

You know what napoleon give to josephine when he win bavaria 你知道拿破侖征服巴伐利亞后給了約瑟芬什么禮物嗎

Pick up your part in terry and josephine at navigational systems 請準備你在泰瑞及僑瑟芬個案中所欲扮演的角色。

Thematic special : josephine siao 蕭芳芳展覽專輯

Aunt josephine . - you can ' t - -約瑟芬姑媽-你不能

- aunt josephine . - you can ' t - -約瑟芬姑媽-你不能…

Would you like me to turn the radiator up for you , aunt josephine 你愿意我們幫你把暖爐打開嗎,約瑟芬姑媽?

Aunt josephine . - you can ' t - - 約瑟芬姑媽-你不能…

Ms josephine tsang , senior manager 曾婉儀女士高級經理

I don ' t know if you saw it , but josephine had some photos . . 我不知道你有沒有看到,但是約瑟芬有些相片. .