
jonah n.1.喬納〔男子名〕。2.約拿〔《圣經》中希伯來的預言...

jonah trip

They found out on their ship that one of their men - this jonah cove - 他們發現同船的一個個叫約拿的家伙

Jonah found few people congenial to him in that university 喬納發現那所大學里沒有幾個人跟他志趣相投。

Jonah : no way ! he ' d kill me 喬納:不可能!他會殺了我的!

[ jonah has a dream shouting mommy (喬那在夢中喊媽媽。 )

Now let us pray jonah ' s prayer 現在就讓我們像約拿一樣祈禱

The little girl said , “ when i get to heaven i will ask jonah “ 小女孩說,等我到天堂時,我會問約拿。

Jonah : is that him barking now 約拿:現在吠起來的就是?嗎?

We got six minutes to deadline , jonah . we need page one 還有六分鐘就要截稿了!約翰,我們還沒有頭條

Jonah : it ' s like it makes him sadder 喬納:那會使他更難過。

It ' s from the bible , that . that is from the bible . the story of the jonah 圣經上的, 《約拿書》

Jonah : i ' ve been pretty sad , but i think my dad ' s worse 約拿:我一直很難過,但我爸爸情況更糟。

Jonah : it ' s not that late in seattle 喬納:在西雅圖還不算太晚。

Je : you have to find her , jonah . you have to go to her 杰:你必須找到她,喬納,必須同她會面。

Jonah : it ' s like it makes him sadder 約拿:我怕這會讓他更難過。

But jonah ran away from the lord and headed for tarshish 3約拿卻起來,逃往他施去躲避耶和華。

As he sent a fish to save jonah 就像他曾經送去一條魚拯救約拿一樣

So jonah was exceeding glad of the gourd 約拿因這棵蓖麻大大喜樂。

Sailors can abide a great deal , but not a jonah 水手什么都可以容忍,但不能容忍帶來厄運的人

The little girl stated that jonah was swallowed by a whale 小女孩說明約拿是被鯨魚吞了的。