
jon n.喬恩〔男子名,Jonah和Jonathan的略稱〕。


Orange , orange . hey , jon - myun you can tell me instead of me 橙子,橙子嘿,鐘明,你幫我告訴他

Jon must want to go for his own reason 喬恩去那里肯定是為了他自己

Jon : ok . one month . is that it 那時一個月的租金,不管共計是多少?

- i ' m sorry . - jon , i wanna come over , just not today -我很報歉-喬恩,我會過來的,只是今天不行

- all humans are the same . - oh , not jon , my owner -所有的人類都是一樣-哦,除了喬恩,我的主人

Jon , i thinkwe got a little problem here 喬恩,我想我們有點小麻煩了

All humans are the same . - oh , not jon , my owner 所有的人類都是一樣-哦,除了喬恩,我的主人

I ' m sorry . - jon , i wanna come over , just not today 我很報歉-喬恩,我會過來的,只是今天不行

A polar entertainment production of a jon amiel film 由普立電影公司出品喬恩埃米爾執導

Jon has a few different opportunities now Jon現在有幾個不同的機會。

Jon : well , as i said , we ' d want a garden 好,我說過我們想要個花園。

Well , this gets me offthe hook with jon and the gang 啊,這可以讓喬恩和那幫貓狗們原諒我了

Jon kept his face a mask . “ as you say , my lady . 瓊恩克制著不露聲色。 “如你所言,夫人。 ”

Look out of the window - there is beauty for you , jon 向窗外看看- -美就在你的眼前呢,喬恩。

Jon : well , i ' ll be in town next week . . . say . . . thursday 我下個星期在鎮里,星期四?

Jon ' s gonna be here in five minutes anyway 反正喬恩5分鐘之內肯定會到

Jon garfiield ' s been here . - uh , excuse me -加菲曾來過這里-呃,抱歉

“ we have ceded you the nightfort , “ said jon snow “我們已經給了你寒夜堡, ”瓊恩雪諾說。

This would not be a pleasant morning , jon feared 這可不是個愉快的早晨,瓊恩憂慮地想道。