
jolt vt.1.使顛簸,搖晃。2.(拳擊中)猛擊(對手)。3....


The old car jolted its passengers badly as it went over the rough road 那舊車子走過崎嶇的道路時,很厲害地顛簸著它的乘客。

The result is often jolting , usually surprising and sometimes transformational 結果通常令人驚訝,有時更會以不同方式呈現。

He s the author of three best - selling java books , including the jolt winner 他是三本最暢銷java圖書的作者,包括獲得jolt獎的

Meanwhile , pakistan was jolted early friday by another strong aftershock 同時,巴基斯坦星期五早上又有強烈余震發生。

The coach jolted its passengers terribly over the miserable road 長途汽車在很糟糕的公路上行駛,把乘客們顛得夠嗆。

Verification regulation for cement mortar specimen jolting table complying with iso 679 膠砂試體成型振實臺檢定規程

Her angry words jolted him out of the belief that she loved him “她憤怒的話令他震驚,使他明白到她不再愛自己了。

His horse dropped behind the adjutants , and jolted him at regular intervals 皮埃爾的馬一步一顛地落在副官后面。

An external jolt of electricity helps generate hydrogen gas at the cathode 在外部電流下能在陰極處產生出氫氣。

On the ground his fighters have given israel ' s war machine a jolt 在地面戰上他的士兵給以色列戰爭機器以重創。

After a couple of jolts , the dog would start moaning and then urinate 在兩振動之后,狗將開始呻吟然后小便。

The car stopped with a jolt 汽車停止時震動了一下。

The coach jolted its passengers over the miserable road 長途汽車在糟糕的公路上行駛,把乘客們顛得叫苦不迭。

The old car jolted its passengers badly as it went over the rough road 老爺車過顛跛路,坐車的顛來倒去。

The news of the accident gave her an unpleasant jolt / quite a jolt 她聽到出事的消息吃了一驚[大吃一驚]

Every jolt the bloody car gave i had her bumping up against me 那該死的車子每顛簸一次,她都撞在我身上。

The principles in my jolt - winning book 我在獲得jolt大獎的

A rough , jolting movement ; a jolt 猛烈的震動;顛簸,搖動

The airplane encountered some turbulence and gave me a sharp jolt . 飛機突遇湍流,讓我猛地晃了一下。