
jolly adj.1.愉快的,快活的,有趣的,興高采烈的。2.〔口...

jolly boat

Some girls are fair , some are jolly and fit 有些女孩很漂亮有些快樂又健康

It ' s a jolly sight wetter this summer than last 今年夏季比去年要潮濕得更加不像話。

She was jollied along and agreed to help us 她被一直哄著然后同意幫助我們。

Your mother is a jolly , easy - going woman 你媽媽是個樂呵呵的容易相處的人。

Jolly good . how do you do ? simon graham 太好了.很高興見到您我是西蒙.格雷

Alistair : will you be taking jolly with you 阿利斯泰爾:你會不會帶喬利同行?

He jollied her into helping with the work 他給她戴高帽子,使她幫忙做那工作。

Laura is a jolly girl ; she laughs a lot 勞拉是個開心的姑娘,她總是笑哈哈的。

Heaven swap ice - jolly games - 4455 miniclip games 天上掉冰棍小游戲- 4399小游戲

Mat dillon s long ago . jolly mat convivial evenings 好久以前了,在馬特狄家。

A long night s sleep - oh , it would be so jolly 要能睡上一整夜覺,那該多好呀!

He was a fat , jolly , bearded old man (他是一位胖胖的、慈祥的、有胡子的老人。 )

Jolly g ood . what is an overreaching conveyance 非常好如何解釋“超量運輸” ?

Jolly g ] ood . what is an overreaching ] conveyance 非常好如何解釋“超量運輸” ?

They jollied the little girl into going with them 他們哄得那女孩跟他們一起去。

Milly was fifteen, fat and jolly and pompadoured, with a creamy complexion, square white teeth, and a short upper lip . 梅莉十五歲了,她有著胖胖的,白皙的臉龐,薄薄的嘴唇,兩排雪白整齊的牙齒,前發梳得高高的,活潑可愛。

He adored the life of the german university with its happy freedom and its jolly companionships . 他對德國大學的生活贊不絕口認為德國大學的生活非常自由自在,人們的交往也令人愉快。

Captain joyce, the american naval attache, a jolly irishman with a knowing eye, asked pamela to dance . 美國海軍武官喬伊斯是個老于世故的,樂呵呵的愛爾蘭人,他請帕米拉跳舞。

The jolly light did not shine out on the snow, for by law every window must be black against the bombers . 溫和的燈光不能讓它照在雪地上,法律規定窗上都要涂黑以防飛機。