
jollification n.歡樂,歡宴,(節日)慶祝。


Had a holiday , celebrated new year ' s eve today , the mother bought a lot of cannon for me , but , i discovered in the home is not is easy to play , although the elder brother came back , the home also was unlike former jollification , still wanted to go to 放假了,今天過年了,媽媽給我買了好多的炮,但是,我發現在家里并不是很好玩,雖然哥哥回來了,家里也不像以往的熱鬧了,還是想上學。

Juliet ' s mother : tonight is really a fine night ! the cumulate of tonight is so jollification ! ladies and gentlemen ! let ' s drink ice tea . bottoms up 朱母:今天真是美好的夜晚啊!今晚的凱普來特是那么的熱鬧!各位來賓!我們干了這杯冰爽茶吧!

In the south of nanjing , the room 111 of no . 1 teaching building of the new campus of southeast university was filled with jollification 在南京之南,破地而出的東南大學九龍湖新校區里,教學樓1座111室熱鬧非凡。

We had a midnight lunch too after all the jollification and when we sallied forth it was blue o clock the morning after the night before “等一等,我來告訴你, ”他說, “尋歡作樂夠了,我們還吃了一頓夜宵。

It is a jollification in west mountain scenery famous spot area , guanyin mountain , gold palace , zoo . etc 屆時在西山風景名勝區觀音山金殿動物園等地尤為熱鬧。

True love no need jollification , no need luxary , no need glory , and also no need airy fairy 真正的愛情是不講究熱鬧不講究排場不講究繁華更不講究噱頭的。