
jokul n.(冰島終年積雪的)雪山。


Add : no . 56 baowu lane , nanmen square , ancient city , lijiang to city center : 1km , to railway station : 8km , to airport : 26km , to exhibition center : 1km . surrounding lanscape : wooden goverment , ancient city nanmen square , square street , heilong pond , yulong jokul , tiger jump gorge , yuquan park , naxi culture corridor , shuhe ancient town , baisha fresco 是充分展現納西民居建筑風格的旅游觀光商務型新酒店,其建筑古樸,亭臺水榭,納西傳統文化融匯其間充分展現了納西族“三坊一照壁” “走馬轉角樓”的古民居特色駐足于庭院,穿行于長廊,古老的納西文化風韻體現得淋漓盡致。

It is the only four - star hotel of garden style , with the area about 20000 square meter , located in the famous tourist resort - lijiang . north to the splendid yulong jokul , east to elephant hill and south to wenbi sea . there are 2 parking lot for 60 vehicles , easily accessible . it is the ideal area for travel , leisure , holiday , and business with the graceful environment and first - class service 北面從客房可遠眺雄偉壯麗的玉雪山東面從客房可近看象山南面比鄰文筆海。酒店擁有2個停工車場,可同時停泊60輛大中小型車輛,出行停車交通十分便利,酒店環境優雅,服務一流,是海內外賓客旅游休閑度假,商務會議最理想的選擇。

An expanse of white snow , you speed along on the snowfield alone , are enjoying the favor of the nature . . . . . . let this fund “ fleet - footed runner of jokul “ finish your dream 白雪皚皚,你獨自一人在雪地上飛馳,享受著大自然的恩賜. . . . . .就讓這款《雪山飛人》完成你的夢想。

Sitting in the broad showily living room , you are able to have a full view of the splendid yulong jokul and the green golf course through the floor windows 坐在寬敞氣派的客廳里,透過通透的落地玻璃窗,將玉龍雪山的英姿和高爾夫球場的茵茵綠瑩盡收眼底。

Located in the guoda huama commerce center . distance to yulong jokul : 20 distance to lijiang : 1 . 5 distance to airport of lijiang : 40 mins driving 地處國大花馬街商業區距離玉雪山僅20公里距離麗江古城1 . 5公里距離麗江機場40分鐘車程。

Enjoying the wonderful jokul and the noble sport , you are integrated with the nature 雪山松景與高尚運動,成就了一段佳偶天成的美麗神話。

It shows more brilliant wisdom and art of living by enjoying the embrace of the jokul 置身于雪山的懷抱中,更顯居住的智慧和藝術。

About 2 hours driving to shangrila . scene spot yuquan park , yulong jokul of lijiang 健身棋牌美容美發臺球乒乓球夜總會。