
jokester n.〔美口〕好開玩笑的人,愛逗樂的人。


The exposure of the deception again brought to focus a reality of the modern age : for manipulators , con artists , gossips , and jokesters of all varieties , the internet is the medium from heaven 這些欺詐被揭穿之后,再次證明了當今這個時代,對于那些坐莊者、金光黨、閑話者以及惡作劇者這些人來說,因特網無疑是天堂一樣的一種傳播介質。

“ he said that ? “ mcgrady said later , laughing along with yao . “ he ' s a jokester , our undercover jokester . i knew he was gonna say something slick . “他說的? ”稍后小麥問,和小明一起大笑。 “他最壞了,你們不知道。我就知道他會拿這事逗我. . . ”

These jokesters of the zodiac will be quite happy to provide the entertainment , as they love to be surrounded by people 愛說笑的他們是眾人矚目的焦點,是聚會上的開心果。