
joker n.1.滑稽角色,詼諧者。2.〔俚語〕人,家伙,東西。3...


He threatened to send a water bottle at foucarmont s head , and count de vandeuvres had to interfere in order to assure him that foucarmont was a great joker 德旺德夫爾伯爵不得不出來進行調解,以肯定的口氣對他說,富卡蒙一向是個滑稽可笑的人。

Meanwhile , arbeloa also lifted the lid on life at melwood by revealing jermaine pennant had taken over from robbie fowler as the club joker 與此同時,阿貝羅亞還贊揚了在梅爾伍德的生活,彭南特已經取代福勒成為隊中的幽默分子。

The joker was determined to save his beloved one , the reformed devil spider woman . he therefore opened pandora s box , made the wish to go to memory la . . 在那里,至尊寶遇上一位令他一生命運轉變的人紫霞仙子,并與她發展了一段

Your lookin like a smoka , grinnin like the joker i yolk ya from da back like a bitch talkin shit but a bitch aint shit , cuz a bitch aint shit 寂寞歲月像仍屬于你你那淺笑像無限旖旎如往昔溫暖地如昨天深澈地如我的親愛還是你

Many things can be manipulated just by joker running into them ? for instance , picking up a harpoon or reading the hints from the bottle 滑稽角色(遇到他們)可能只操作很多事情-例如,拿一把魚叉或者從這個瓶子讀暗示。

That old joker bordenave had really been far too lavish with her address . why , the whole of yesterday s house was coming 愛開玩笑的博爾德納夫,果然把娜娜的地址告訴了太多的人,昨晚全劇院的觀眾統統要來了。

There was one woman ; she had always been a good joker in her life . she had never taken things seriously and she laughed all the time 有一個婦女,生前很會說笑話,做什么事情都不嚴肅,一天到晚笑個不停。

Let them bring another . there , his eyes happening to catch the tall joker writing up his joke , he called to him across the way 這時他偶然見到了那高個兒在墻上寫的那玩笑話,便隔著街對他叫道:

Miss . i … … know a friend called joker . he ask me to tell zixa immortal something . is it you 悟空:姑娘!我的確認識一個朋友叫至尊寶,他還有些話托我跟一個叫紫霞仙子的人說,是不是你?

Monkey king / joker : but how can i fall in love with a girl i dislike , give me a reason for it , please ! 至尊寶:可是我怎么會愛上一個我討厭的人呢?請你給我一個理由好不好?拜托!

Bottom line : joker can ' t be trusted . trade him , even if it ' s for a box of balls and a few bats 小結:鬼牌丑角不可信賴。把他交易掉,就算只值換回一盒球和幾根球棒,恁伯嘛甘愿!

Beckett is great , but i am just a joker . black humor at everywhere , absurd theatre always with you 貝克特是偉大的,我只是一個小丑。黑色幽默無處不在,荒誕劇與你同在。

For some joker who is quicker will rob you of your liquor if you fail to lock your liquor with a lock 因為有一個小丑會很快搶走你的酒,如果你沒有作鎖給你的酒上鎖。

In his expostulation he dropped his cleaner hand perhaps accidentally , perhaps not upon the joker s heart 說話時他那只干凈手有意無意地落到了那開玩笑的人心口。

Said pluto , who was a joker , as he went upstairs , wiping his mouth with the back of his hand 冥王說道。他是個愛開玩笑的人,他一邊上樓梯,一邊用手背揩著嘴唇。

The day of our wedding , we hid our car in a friend ' s garage to avoid the usual practical jokers 婚禮那天,我們把車子藏在朋友的停車場以避免有人開例行玩笑。

The above batch of floats contains a couple of “ joker “ floats that are slightly taller than the others 上面的浮動中包含一些比其他高一些的浮動。

Det spelas med en 53 - kortslek inklusive en joker , och varje deltagare tilldelas sju kort 此游戲使用53張牌包括一張王牌,參與者各得7張牌。

- my son , the joker 我兒子很滑稽