
joke n.1.笑話,戲謔,詼諧。2.笑柄,笑料。3.容易的事,...


You joke the way i don't like . 我不喜歡你這種惡作劇。

The father laughed as if this were a joke . 作父親的哈哈大笑,好象這是玩笑話似的。

He who plays a trick must be prepared to take a joke . 玩花招的人必定會受到戲弄。

She has tired of her husband stock jokes . 她已聽厭了丈夫說的那些老一套的俏皮話。

It's notnot fair if you're joking . 如果說你是在尋開心,這可這就不公平了。

That's a good joke but i think i can cap it . 那是個好笑話,但是我可以說得更好。

Laughing and joking are improper at a funeral ... 葬禮時大笑和開玩笑是不合適的。

They just laughed and made a joke of it all . 他們還是談笑風生,把一切當成笑話。

Her jokes made us all laugh . 她說的笑話把我們都逗樂了。

Nearly all spanish joking had that same base . 西班牙人插科打諢的方式大抵如此。

His jokes are no laughing matter . 他的笑話一點都不好笑。

This joke is rather out of place . 這個玩笑開得不太得當。

I can not resist a joke . 我想起一個笑話總忍不住要說出來。

I can not resist a joke . 我聽了一個笑話總忍不住要笑出來。

There is too much breadth in his jokes . 他的笑話太過火了。

They'll make with the jokes and save the jujitsu . 要他們盡打哈哈,別來柔道。

His jokes were somewhat farfetched . 他的笑話有些牽強附會。

Many people find this sort of joke distasteful . 許多人認為這種笑話令人厭惡。

You are carrying your jokes too far . 你的玩笑開得太過分了。