
joist n.【建筑】1.擱柵;小梁;(地板等的)托梁。2.工字鋼...

joist ceiling

Aluminum plastic sheet sees a similar construction process with single aluminum sheet . as the plasticity of the said plastic sheet is too low so that in the process of construction , the sheet can ' t be constructed strictly according to design requirements , while the single plastic sheet has no problem ; higher requirements on joist 鋁塑板與鋁單板的施工過程大體相同由于鋁塑板的可塑性太低,所以安裝過程中不可能按設計要求嚴格施工,而鋁單板不存在這一問題;對龍骨要求較高。

In joist ' s temporary fixation , if temporary bolt and drill nail are used , amount of them should be calculated as flowed specification : the amount should be no less than 1 / 3 of all holes ; at least , two temporary bolts should be used ; amount of drill nail should be no more than 30 % of temporary bolts bolted ( grade a , grade b ) hole shouldn ' t be fixed with drill nail 桁架臨時固定如需用臨時螺栓和沖釘,則每個節點處應穿入的數量必須由計算確定,并應符合下列規定:不得少于安裝孔總數的1 / 3 ;至少應穿兩個臨時螺栓;沖釘穿入數量不宜多于臨時螺栓的30 % ;擴鉆后的螺栓( a級、 b級)的孔不得使用沖釘。

The joint is the key point linking the beam and column and according to the paper ' s structure system , the author bring forward the reinforce ring - bearing melt joist and has a finite element analysis making use of the finite element program ansys 節點是連接梁柱的關鍵部位,根據本文的結構體系,提出加強環承重銷節點,并利用大型有限元程序ansys作了有限元分析,弄清了加強環承重銷節點的受力特點和應力狀態。

According to a practical non - conventional type column head concrete replacement project , authors introduce some aspects of the continuous trim joist split replacement technology including its design calculation , construction methods and technical measures and so forth 通過某工程異形柱頭混凝土置換實例,介紹了連續托梁分次置換技術的設計計算、施工方法和技術措施等。

The method that discussed here is also suitable for joist floors . the theory basis is applied for understanding the inner load , displacement , and its varying regulation of the structure 所述方法基本也適用于密肋樓蓋,也為深入理解該類結構的內力、位移及其變化規律提供了一些理論依據。

Because all the building lots and houses are 25 feet wide , the joists , which are three - inch planks set upright , are cut in the saw mill only 24 feet long 因為所有的建筑用地和房子都是25英尺寬,所以由三英尺的厚木板所搭起的托梁在鋸木廠就給鋸成僅有24英尺長。

Because all the building lots and houses are 25 feet wide , the joists , which are three - inch planks set upright , are cut in the saw mill only 24 feet long 因為這所有的建筑都是25英尺寬,但那些由三英尺的木板筆直的構成的橫梁,是由只有24英尺長的鋸鋸出來的。

Because all the building lots and houses are 25 feet wide , the joists , which are three - inch planks set upright , are cut in the saw mill only 24 feet long 因為所有的這些建筑地和房子是25英尺寬,垂直支架有3英寸厚的托梁裁斷了能看到的24英尺長的磨坊。

Methods of tests for ancillary components for masonry - part 8 : determination of load capacity and load - deflection characteristics of joist hangers ; german version en 846 - 8 : 2000 磚石工程輔助元部件試驗方法.第8部分:擱柵吊鉤載荷能

Because all the building lots and houses are 25 feet wide , the joists , which are three - inch planks set upright , are cut in the saw mill only 24 feet long 所有的建筑都有25步寬, 3英尺厚的橫梁,在24步遠的可視的距離里分割開。

America ' s readiness to make an indian exception to all the rules risks snapping two of the joists that support the global non - proliferation structure 美國準備在所有核規則上給印度開綠燈威脅到了全球核不擴散框架的兩大支柱。

Methods of test for ancillary components for masonry - part 8 : determination of load capacity and load - deflection characteristics of joist hangers 圬工輔助成份試驗方法.第8部分:墻筋吊架處負載偏轉特性和負載能力測定

Methods of test for ancillary components for masonry - determination of load capacity and load - deflection characteristics of joist hangers 圬工輔助砌塊的試驗方法.小梁吊架的負載容量和負載偏轉特性的測定

Structural use of timber - recommendations for the calculation basis for span tables - joists for flat roofs 建筑用木材.第7部分:以指距表為計算基準的推薦標準.第2節:平屋頂用擱柵

Structural use of timber - recommendations for the calculation basis for span tables - domestic floor joists 建筑用木材.第7部分:以指距表為計算基準的推薦標準.第1節:家用地板擱柵

Standard specification for establishing and monitoring structural capacities of prefabricated wood i - joists 預制木質工字梁結構能力確定和監測的標準規范

A beam across an opening , such as a hearth , into which the ends of joists can be fitted 托梁,承接梁穿過孔洞,如壁爐地面,到插梁末端能被固定的橫梁

Specification for longspan steel joists , lh - series and deep longspan steel joists , dlh - series Lh系列長跨度鋼擱柵和dlh系列深長跨度鋼擱柵規范

Rolled steel joist 輾鋼工字梁