
jointless adj.無接縫的;無關節的。


On the basis of the former research works , we present the detecting method as follows : for the narrow band characteristic of the track signal we use under - sampling instead of nyquist sampling to reduce the sampling rate . as to the carrier frequency , the spectrum of the 18 - information frequency - shift track signal has two peaks , then the carrier frequency is the average of the two peak frequency , to um - 71 jointless track signal , it has only one peak , then the carrier frequency is the peak frequency 針對移頻軌道信號的窄帶特性提出了使用欠采樣技術代替奈奎斯特采樣的方法,以降低信號的采樣頻率;國產18信息移頻軌道信號頻譜具有雙峰,雙峰頻率平均值就是信號的載頻頻率,而um - 71無絕緣軌道信號頻譜單峰,峰值頻率即為信號的載頻頻率。

This paper , in allusion to damage of expansion joint of bridge , introduces a sort of new structure of jointless device - semi - integral abutment jointless bridge , and establishes model of general structure finite element of this bridge , and in details analyses its qualities of stress . the model considers the interaction of superstructure - substructure - soil . resistance of the soil behind abutment adopts still soil pressure and elastic resistance when the temperature rising , but active soil pressure when dropping . analysis of qualities stress of bridge includes of action of dead load , car load , temperature load of season character . taking an 100m length pc semi - integral abutment jointless bridge as instance , the paper establishes the model of plane frame by applying large common software - anasys , and analyses it by elastane and large deformation to imitate character of stress and deformation of general bridge . at the same time corresponding models of finite element of joint bridge and integral abutment bridge are established , and unique stress and performance of structure of semi - integral abutment jointless bridge are researched by comparing and analysing character of three different models under same loading , and controlling factor of design and constitution are generalized . in conclusion , for semi - integral abutment jointless bridge , on one hand shear , moment and deflection of the main beam and axis force of substructure are approximate with that of joint bridge , and integral stifmess of structure is increased and damage of expansion joint is eliminated , on the other hand there is axis force in main beam , shear and moment of substructure are bigger than that of joint bridge . in all this type of jointless bridge has rational stress and is worth of application and popularization 半整體式橋臺無縫橋梁計算模型考慮了上部結構-下部結構-土的共同作用;臺后土抗力升溫時采用靜止土壓力加彈性土抗力,降溫時采用主動土壓力;分析橋梁受力性能時考慮了結構自重、車輛荷載和季節性溫變荷載的作用。以一座橋長100mpc半整體式橋臺無縫橋梁為實例,采用大型通用軟件ansys建立平面框架模型,進行彈性、大變形分析,模擬全橋受力和變形特點;同時建立與此對應的有伸縮縫橋梁和整體式橋臺無縫橋梁有限元模型,通過三種橋型同步加載對比分析,研究半整體式橋臺無縫橋梁獨特的受力特點和結構性能,總結其設計控制因素和構造要求。通過本文研究知:半整體式橋臺無縫橋梁主梁的剪力、彎矩、撓度和下部結構的軸力與梁式橋相近,結構整體剛度增大,并除去了伸縮縫病害;但主梁增加了軸力,下部結構剪力、彎矩較梁式橋大;綜合分析是一種受力合理有實踐和推廣價值的橋型。

There has not been a scientific design theory about the jointless bridge whereas it has been conducted successfully for a long time in the u . s . the actual design ways basically depend on the experience and observaration . what is more , the analytical method and the design of the crunodal details are still dealed with on the whole . in fact , it is a very important part to deal with the crunodal structure between the abutment and beam in the design and conduction of the jointless bridge . in addition , the loaded properties of the crunode are the key and difficulty in the study of the jointless bridge . therefor , there are engineering and practical significances of analyzing the crunodal structure and studying its loaded properties 盡管無伸縮縫橋梁在美國已經成功地使用了很長時間,但至今還沒有一個比較科學的設計理論。目前的設計方法基本上依賴于經驗與觀察,還沒有從根本上解決無伸縮縫橋梁有關的分析方法和設計細部構造。應該說,對于無伸縮縫橋梁而言,處理臺與主梁的結點構造是設計和施工中非常重要的部分,結點部分的受力性能是研究無伸縮縫橋梁的重點和難點。

Jointless bridges that use integral abutment is popular abroad , while there are few examples of it and correlative reports at home . there are few complete analysis of dynamic characteristic and anti - seismic behavior of structure because it is a classic example of a soil - structure interaction system and the mainly unsolved problem in dynamic analysis is how to handling soil - structure interaction 目前,尚少有報道指出對具體的實橋進行過完整的動力特性分析和抗震分析,主要原因是因為整體式橋臺的無伸縮縫橋梁是土體結構相互作用方面的典型例子,如何處理好土體結構相互作用是其動力分析的關鍵問題。

According to the engineering experiences obtained from the laying of a jointless track of high - speed communication line - line 3 in dalian city , this paper introduces in general the laying technology , particularly the long rail welding , the construction site welding , seamless track spreading and trak controller laying , and discusses problems often occuring in long rail wedling and seamless track laying 摘要根據大連市快速軌道交通3號線一次性鋪設碎石道床無縫線路的工程實踐,介紹了長鋼軌基地焊接、單元軌節的工地焊接;無縫線路鎖定和鋼軌伸縮調節器的鋪設等技術,并對長鋼軌焊接和無縫線路鋪設中應注意的問題進行了探討。

The research and development of autosd software has settled the problem of the combination of the design theories and drawing settings , the problem of design information and data management , the problem of harmony of artificial correct and program running , the problem of obtaining information from the original relief maps and geologic drawings , the problem of automatic exporting drawings and reports . autosd can work with autocad and msword with jointless , so this paper particularly narrates the means of using active x technique to call server programs ( autocad & msword ) through client program ( autosd ) Autosd系統軟件的開發,研究并解決了如何利用高級程序語言將水工隧洞的設計理論與繪圖環境具體結合的問題;研究并解決了系統軟件如何在輔助設計過程中對水工隧洞的設計信息及數據的管理問題;研究并解決了如何在輔助軟件進行設計過程時,將設計人員的及時修正進行動態交互的協調性問題;研究并解決了系統軟件如何獲得原始地形圖及地質圖信息的問題;研究并解決了系統如何在設計過程中自行將工程設計信息匯編成報告輸出的問題。

Above all , with the data acquired by tests , this thesis has analysized the lateral resistanc , longitudinal resistance and rail creep etc between ballast and sleeper before and after mass machine work , discussed the effect of mass machine on stability of continuously welded rail track , reseached the change regularity of fastening - down temperature of rail , which is resulted by mass machine work , and have settled the suitable range of work temperature which guarantees the stability of jointless railway . what ' s more , this thesis has put forward the appropriate work pattern , work temperature and work area for mass machine work in future . at the same time , this thesis has given rational suggestions about some conditions worth of attention in production of mass machine , which can in return raise the work productiveness of mass machine . at last , this thesis has considered formulating reasonable measures for operation organization and work standard , so that mass machine work can play an important role in maintenance , which can reduce work load , raise work efficiency and maintenance cost in daily maintenance 本文通過實測的各種數據,分別對大機作業前后道床對軌枕的橫向阻力、縱向阻力、鋼軌爬行情況等進行深入分析,進一步探討大機作業對無縫線路穩定性的影響,研究大機作業引起的鎖定軌溫的變化規律,確定保證無縫線路穩定的合適作業軌溫范圍。為我國今后的大型養路機械作業提出合理的作業方式、合適的作業軌溫和作業地段,同時對大型養路機械作業中應注意的問題提出合理化建議,為大型養路機械作業提供更高的安全保障,進一步提高大機作業效率。最后,對工務段在大機作業中的配合制定完善的施工組織措施及作業標準,使大機作業在養護維修中發揮更大的作用,為工務段日常的養護維修減少工作量,提高勞動效率,降低維修成本。

Abstract : this article deduces the calculation formulation of jointless - track ' s stability using the theorem of bogus - locomotion , and calculates the influences of the changes of various parameters on jointless - track ' s stability and suggests some important principles of keeping jointless - track ' s stability in the process of maintaining jointless - track 文摘:利用虛位移原理推導了無縫線路穩定的公式,計算了各種參數的變化對無縫線路穩定的影響,提出了在線路養護工作中保證穩定的一些重要原則。

Comparing with the same category overseas jointless bridges , the new type bridge has more reasonable structure , more simple and convenient construction , and better use effect etc . the main work in this paper is described as follows : ( 1 ) this paper introduces phylogeny and reseach survey of the joints bridge inland and abroad , and a new jointless bridge structure ? new type semi - integral abutment bridge is based on these , which characteristic of own structure and setting of primary component are expatiated . ( 2 ) this paper analyses influence of temperature effect , creep , shrinkage and circumambient soil of run - on slab on the new type structure , and analyses the forcing performance of beam , abutment and run - on slab of the new type semi - integral abutment bridge , and constrast to the same category joints bridges 本文主要做了以下工作: ( 1 )介紹了無縫橋梁在國內外的發展歷史、研究概況,并在此基礎上提出了一種新的無縫橋梁結構形式-新型半整體式無縫橋梁,闡述了它特有的結構形式以及主要構件的設置; ( 2 )分析了溫度效應、徐變和收縮以及搭板周圍土體對這種新型結構的影響,對新型半整體式無縫橋主梁、橋臺以及搭板進行了受力性能分析,并和同類無縫橋梁進行了對比分析。

As the first passenger railway on which the speeds of operation trains exceed 200km / h , qin - shen passenger railway is researched , designed and constructed completely by our country . qin - shen passenger railway is a symbol engineering for the beginning of our high - speed railways . in this thesis , the construction technology of overinternal jointless rail are systemically researched and investigated in combining with the real engineering on qin - shen newly - built passenger railway 秦沈客運專線作為國家跨世紀的重點建設項目是我國自行研究、設計、制造、建設的第一條時速200km / h運營線,本文結合秦沈客運專線新線一次性鋪設跨區間無縫線路現場施工,對一次性鋪設跨區間無縫線路施工技術進行了系統的總結和研究。

3 . the main contents of this thesis is to emphasize the construction technology in the seven key task items during the lay of jointless rail on newly - built railway . the construction methods , techniques and task flows in the seven items are detailedly analysed and described 該部分也是本文的主要內容,它著重針對秦沈客運專線一次性鋪設七個主要作業項目的施工技術展開了廣泛而系統的探討和研究,同時對這七個作業項目施工方法、工藝、工序流程也逐一進行了細致的分析和闡述。

The ministry of railway has developed two kinds of frequency - shift track circuits based on the primary 4 - information frequency - shift system : 18 - information frequency - shift auto - blocking track circuit made in china and um - 71 jointless track circuit made in france , and put them into use on some important lines . but at the mean while , the safety of running train becomes austerer and austerer 鐵道部根據我國國情,在原有4信息移頻制式的基礎上,研制開發了兩種移頻軌道電路:國產18信息移頻自動閉塞系統和法國um - 71無絕緣軌道電路系統,并將其應用到我國部分主要線路上。

D 、 the seismic response of jointless bridge were examined by spectrum analysis as well as transient dynamic analysis . e 、 the modes of a whole concrete model of jointless bridge by modes test , at the same time , the accuracy of finite element modeling and analysis was proved by it 5 、對無伸縮縫橋按比例縮放的全橋模型進行實驗,測出結構的動力特性(固有頻率、振型、周期等) ,驗證有限元建模和分析的精確度

2 . acroding to real construction conditions of 150km track of section b26 - 1 on qin - shen passenger railway , the construction arrangement , scheme and task flow are summariaed for the construction of overinternal jointless rail on newly - built railway 依據秦沈客運專線b26 - 1標段150km的正線軌道鋪設實際施工情況,對一次性鋪設跨區間無縫線路總體施工安排、施工方案和作業流程進行了總結。

In the first part of this paper , the development of jointless bridge is briefly reviewed , and then the advantages of jointless bridges and some design details for jointless bridges are discussed in the paper 摘要回顧了國內外無伸縮裝置橋梁的發展情況,介紹了無伸縮裝置橋梁的結構特點,并對無伸縮裝置橋梁的設計情況做了一些簡單的探討。

Long rails in jointless track are usually made on welded rail site or in railway welded rail factory 摘要無縫線路長鋼軌道常由鐵路焊軌廠或現場焊軌基地焊接。

Furthermore , the mode of jointless bridge was compared with joint bridge in this paper 此外,還比較了整體式橋臺的無伸縮縫橋與有伸縮縫橋梁的模態差異。

4slightly press the flange of the square panel without a crater to obtain jointless effect 4不帶坑方向折邊,稍加輕壓,便可達到緊湊無縫的效果

Study of modulation signal ' s parameters in resonance type jointless shifting frequency track circuit 諧振式無絕緣移頻軌道電路調制信號參數研究