
jointer n.1.接合人;接合物;接合器。2.(泥工用的)抹子。3...


However , the basic definition analysis here is not to attempt to master the definition focus by paraphrasing the detailed content , but to give all the basic meaning analysis in chinese language toward those specific words and element by breaking “ imagined joint offence ” , the terminology of criminal law and the orientation of the legal theory so as to achieve the cognizance of the imagined joint offence and make a conclusion : “ imagined joint offence ” , not like “ imagined jointer of offence ” or “ formal jointer of offence ” to display the characteristics of this criminal pattern better 。 the second part is the analysis on quantity of crime in the nature of imagined joint offence 在此基礎上,立足于服務刑事司法實踐,對想象競合犯的構成特征進行了抽象和概括,并對各構成特征中所包含的相關問題進行了探討,期望以此來完成對想象競合犯的粗線條的勾勒,為想象競合犯的具體認定提供相對直觀的判斷標準,促進相關個案的公正解決,推動罪刑法定原則和罪責刑相適應原則在我國刑事司法實務中的貫徹落實。

As a part of global connecting system , web jointer v 2 . 0 has already got more than 500000 websites of global importer , exporter , manufacturer , agent , wholesaler , supplier buyer , and the number is still increasing 截至今日,加盟網絡膠水互通系統的全球進口商出口商制造商批發商代理商供貨商及采購商等企業站點已經突破

Glue jointer machine : italy “ orma “ glue jointer machine , to produce high strength , surperior coreboard , it ' s a solid foundation for produle the highgrade and widely used block board 拼板機:意大利進“ orma “拼板機,用于制作細木板內層芯板,制出的芯板膠和強度高,拼縫小,是制造質量上乘、用途廣泛的細木工板的堅實保證。

More than 500000 global enterprises have joined ! web jointer is a brand new model to connect global enterprises . characterized with flat net structure , it joints all the member 全球企業網站互通系統,以特有的開放式扁平化網絡結構,使所有加盟網站結為一體,真正實現互聯互通。

Ie hand - held motor - operated electric tools - safety - part 2 - 19 : particular requirements for jointers iec 60745 - 2 - 19 : 2005 , modified ; german version en 60745 - 2 - 19 : 2005 手持式電動工具.安全.第2 - 19部分:接縫器的特殊要求

Web jointer is the builder of this passage . she has the original business model as well as the leading position in business scale 式,使原本孤立的各企業站點用戶資源不斷聚合,為所有加盟企業共享共用。

Standard for safety for hand - held motor - operated electric tools - safety - part 2 - 19 : particular requirements for jointers 手持式電動工具的安全標準.安全.第2 - 19部分:刨邊機的特殊要求

Hand - held motor - operated electric tools - safety - part 2 - 19 : particular requirements for jointers 手持式電動工具的安全.第2 - 19部分:接縫刨的特殊要求

Hand - held motor - operated electric tools - safety - part 2 - 19 : particular requirements for jointers 手持式電動工具.安全.第2 - 19部分:連接器的特殊要求

Hand - held motor - operated electric tools - safety - particular requirements for jointers 手持式電動工具.安全性.連接件特殊要求

We are getting the job done ! web jointer 2003 - 2007 corporation and its licensors 構建網絡互通渠道,使用網絡膠水效果不錯!

Cable jointer power 強電流電纜接駁技工

The excellent chinese products web jointer friends cuihua jewelry factory in haifeng 梅隴友翠華首飾廠

The excellent chinese products web jointer 萬華科技有限公司

Cover , rapid connection jointer for flange 堵蓋快速法蘭接頭

Particular requirements for plate jointers 板狀連接器的特殊要求

Rotation oil gauge rapid connection jointer for flange 旋轉量油機快速法蘭接頭