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joint venture 合資(企業)。

joint weed

220 i think a joint venture would be beneficial to us both 我認為合資經營對雙方都是有利的。

Joint venture globe in shenzhen , china 在中國深圳設有合資企業globe

Does she work in a joint venture company 她在一家合資企業上班嗎?

What volume of trade can we achieve in a joint venture 我們在合資企業可以達到多大的貿易額?

One key to its success has been the use of joint ventures 成功的一個要訣就是采用聯合辦學。

Morgan seal u . s . - china joint venture company in china group 中美聯手在中國組摩根密封件公司

Establishment and legal form of the joint venture company 成立合資公司及合資公司的法律形式

Cross - cultural management of joint ventures 中外合資企業的跨文化管理

Is a joint venture between hutchison whampoa limited and 是和記黃埔及

We have new methods like compensation trade and joint venture 我們有補償貿易和合資經營。

Embarking pass for crew on the ship of joint venture 合資船船員登輪證

Create an affiliate program for joint ventures and affiliates 建立附加的項目以尋求合作。

A year later the joint venture was closed 一年以后,這家公司倒閉了。

Cross - cultural communication in chinese - foreign joint ventures 中外合資企業中的跨文化交際

Main contractor : leader - wai kee joint venture :利達惠記建筑運輸聯營

A new joint venture was built in the tax free zone 一個新的合資企業在免稅區內建了起來。

Merger of joint venture with another economic organization 合營企業同其他經濟組織合并。

We have new methods like compe ation trade and joint venture 我們有補償貿易和合資經營。

I think a joint venture would be beneficial to both of us 我認為合資經營對雙方都是有利的