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joint stock 合股。

joint stock company

Article 2 a company referred to herein means a limited liability company or a joint stock limited company established within china in accordance herewith 第二條:本法所稱公司是指依照本法在中國境內設立的有限責任公司和股份有限公司。

The change of a joint stock limited company to a limited liability company shall meet the conditions as prescribed in this law for limited liability companies 股份有限公司變更為有限責任公司,應當符合本法規定的有限責任公司的條件。

In june , 2003 succeeded the remanufacture is the joint stock system company , the establishment “ the xinxiang city xinhui pharmaceutical industry limited company ” 2003年6月成功改制為股份制公司,成立“新鄉市新輝藥業有限公司” 。

It proves that dongsheng mode chiefly based on joint stock system is successful and good effect has been obtained 在此基礎上,對我國低品位石油儲量開發生產的政策法規進行了研究,主要包括審批和管理制度、企業運行機制、稅收制度。

Article 136 upon registration and establishment , a joint stock limited company shall promptly deliver the share certificates to its shareholders officially 第一百三十六條:股份有限公司登記成立后,即向股東正式交付股票。

Three forms of the organization on milk resource base are : standardized dairy cow raising area , dairy cows cooperative , and joint stock system 這三種組織形式分別是:標準化奶牛養殖小區、奶牛合作社和股份合作制。

Subsequently in april 2001 , the group paid up the remaining investment contribution in angstrem joint stock company , a leading russian ic producer 集團繼于二零零一年四月支付angstrem joint stock company的投資馀額。

Lanzhou ma ' s noodle co . , ltd . was co - founded by lanzhou garden dairy co . , ltd . and natural persons as a joint stock company in nov , 2005 蘭州面都馬家拉面食品有限公司由蘭州莊園乳業企業法人和自然人共同投資組建。

Where a construction enterprise is established as a joint stock limited company , the capital mentioned in this act refers to the paid - up capital 本法所稱資本額,于營造業以股份有限公司設立者,系指實收資本額。

Our primary name is heat - transfer printing machine factory of jiangsu jinqiu group , and now the factory has been changed into a joint stock system one 我廠是原江蘇金球集團熱轉移印花機廠,現改制為股份制工廠。

Article 8 the establishment of a limited liability company or a joint stock limited company is subject to the requirements prescribed herein 第八條:設立有限責任公司、股份有限公司,必須符合本法規定的條件。

Article 7 the business term of the company is [ number ] years [ or : the company is a joint stock company limited of permanent existence ] 第七條公司營業期限為年數或者公司為永久存續的股份有限公司。

As to distribute capital fund correctly , should according to “ company method “ undertake with the constitution of this joint stock company 至于正確分配資產,應依照《公司法》和本股份制企業的章程進行。

The name of a joint stock limited company established in accordance herewith must contain the words “ joint stock limited company “ 依照本法設立的股份有限公司,必須在公司名稱中標明股份有限公司字樣。

Article 126 the capital of a joint stock limited company shall be divided into shares , and all the shares shall be of equal value 第一百二十六條股份有限公司的資本劃分為股份,每一股的金額相等。

Article 114 a joint stock limited company may have a manager , who shall be hired or dismissed by the board of directors 第一百一十四條股份有限公司設經理,由董事會決定聘任或者解聘。

A joint stock limited company established through public share offer shall make public its financial and accounting reports 以募集設立方式成立的股份有限公司必須公告其財務會計報告。

Article 133 after a joint stock limited company is established , it shall formally deliver the stocks to the shareholders 第一百三十三條股份有限公司成立后,即向股東正式交付股票。

It is a joint stock system enterprise dealing with weaving , printing , dyeing and have direct import and export right 公司擁有自營進出口權,是集紡紗、織布、印染于一體的綜合性企業。