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joint session [convention] (議會兩院的)聯席會議。

joint stock

Winston churchill said on boxing day 58 years ago to a joint session of the us congress : “ in my country , as in yours , public men are proud to be the servants of the state and would be ashamed to be its masters “ 前英國首相邱吉爾曾在58年前的圣誕節翌日向美國國會聯席會議說:我的國家跟你們的一樣,公職人員都以當國家的仆人為榮,當國家的主人為恥。

On april 30 , 1789 , george washington delivered his first inaugural address to a joint session of congress , assembled in federal hall in the nation ' s new capital , new york city 1798年4月30日,喬治?華盛頓在國會議員聚集的美國新首都紐約的聯邦大廳發表他的第一個總統就職演說。

Later that year , after the attack on pearl harbor on december 7 , roosevelt addressed a special joint session of congress to ask for a declaration of war against japan 在同年十二月七日突襲珍珠港事件發生后,羅斯福在國會兩院特別聯席會議上發表講話,要求向日本宣戰。

Earlier sarkozy addressed a joint session of congress 先前薩爾科齊在兩院聯席會議上發表講話。

On the day the joint session of both the house of representatives . . 在參眾兩院共議的當天. .

. . . united states code , no debate is allowed in the joint session . . .在兩院共議時不能有爭論

United states code , no debate is allowed in the joint session .在兩院共議時不能有爭論

Wilson went before a joint session of congress on august 27, 1913, explained his mediation proposal and huerta's rebuff . 威爾遜于1913年8月27日到國會兩院聯席會議去解釋他的調停建議和烏厄塔的斷然漠視。