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joint chiefs of staff 〔美國〕國防部參謀長聯席會議。

joint committee

Testifying before senate committees investigating president truman ‘ s recall of general macarthur form the far east command , general bradley , for himself and for all the three members of the joint chiefs of staff , supported the president ' s action without qualification 在就杜魯門總統撤銷麥克阿瑟將軍遠東總司令之職一事面對參議院委員會作的證明上,布萊德利代表他本人及參謀長聯席會議全部三個成員,表示無條件支持總統的行動。

Air force general richard myers , the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff , said october 8 at a pentagon briefing that the food drops would continue as long as needed and are being dropped in areas of afghanistan where there are concentrations of afghan refugees 參謀長聯席會議主席空軍上將理查德邁爾斯10月8日在五角大樓簡報會上說,將把空投食品一直繼續到滿足需要為止,目前是在向阿富汗難民集中的阿富汗地區空投。

On a parade ground at a u . s . military base near washington , air force general richard myers ended his four years as chairman of the joint chiefs of staff , and retired after just over 40 years in the military 在華盛頓附近的一個美國軍事基地的閱兵式上,空軍將軍理查德.邁爾斯結束了美軍參謀長聯席會議主席的四年任期,并且在從戎40多年后光榮退休。

Maj . gen . stanley mcchrystal of the joint chiefs of staff said forces had moved 150 miles into iraqi territory . “ the forces have moved with impressive speed thus far , “ he said 聯軍參謀長之一的陸軍少校斯坦利?麥克克里斯托說,聯軍已深入伊拉克領土150英里縱深。 “到目前為止,作戰部隊推進的速度是驚人的” ,他表示。

As chairman of the joint chiefs of staff , general pace is now the president ' s top military adviser , and a key figure in the development and implementation of u . s . military strategy worldwide 作為美軍參謀長聯席會議主席,佩斯將軍現在是總統的最高軍事顧問,并且是制定和實施美國全球軍事戰略的關鍵人物。

The u . s . military can accomplish all the tasks laid out for it in the national military strategy , according to the yearly risk assessment completed by the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff 美國軍事力量能夠完成所有任務,在國家軍事戰略層面也得到體現,依據參謀長聯席會議主席的年度全面風險評估。

The united states “ top military commander , chairman of joint chiefs of staff peter pace , is encouraging military leaders in china to be more transparent as they build up their country ' s armed forces 美國軍方最高將領參謀長聯席會議主席彼得.佩斯鼓勵中國軍方領導人建設中國軍隊的同時加強透明度。

The united states ' top military commander , chairman of joint chiefs of staff peter pace , is encouraging military leaders in china to be more transparent as they build up their country ' s armed forces 美國軍方最高將領、參謀長聯席會議主席彼得?佩斯鼓勵中國軍方領導人建設中國軍隊的同時加強透明度。

Frankly , in the opinion of the joint chiefs of staff , this strategy would involve us in the wrong war , at the wrong place , at the wrong time , and with the wrong enemy 誠實地說,根據參謀長聯席會議的意見,這個戰略使我們卷入了一場在錯誤的時間,錯誤的地點,面對錯誤的敵人的錯誤戰爭。

Below are the address delivered at the u . s congress by the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff , who pointed out that the failure is not only strategically , but also tactically 美軍參謀長聯席會議主席在美國國會所作的總結:這次失敗不僅是戰略上的失敗,更是戰術上的失敗。

True battle field commanding officers have won the victory on a lot of tactics , but the failure on strategy is caused by macarthur and joint chiefs of staff mainly 誠然戰場指揮官們贏得了許多戰術上的勝利,但戰略上的失敗主要是麥克亞瑟和參謀長聯席會議造成的。

Meanwhile , pentagon joint chiefs of staff chairman , general richard myers , arrived in baghdad for a visit intended to boost morale among the troops 與此同時,五角大樓的參謀長聯席會議主席理查德?邁爾斯抵達巴格達,希望能鼓舞駐伊美軍的士氣。

President bush names marine general peter pace whole help shape the pentagon ' s role in the war on terror to lead the joint chiefs of staff 參謀長聯席委員會,是美國總統及國防部長領導軍事的咨詢機構與指揮軍隊的執行機構。隸屬于國防部。

R , block , bar , obstruct maj . gen . stanley mcchrystal of the joint chiefs of staff said forces had moved 150 miles into iraqi territory 聯軍參謀長之一的陸軍少校斯坦利麥克克里斯托說,聯軍已深入伊拉克領土150英里縱深。

I turned to my joint chief of staff and said , “ fellows , we made the decision to win [ in vietnam ] . now it ' s your problem 我會轉身對我的辦公室主任說, “伙計們,我們已經決定了要打贏越南戰爭,現在那是你們的問題了” 。

The chairman of the joint chiefs of staff promised the family members that their loved ones would never be forgotten 參謀長(參謀長聯席會議主席)向遇難者的家庭成員許諾美國不會忘記他們愛的人。

You would soon appoint me chairman of the joint chiefs of staff , and brent scowcroft was on the team as well at that time 你不久后任命我為參謀長聯席會議主席,當時還有布倫特?斯考克羅夫特(

The chairman of the joint chiefs of staff promised the family members that their loved ones would never be forgotten 參謀長聯席會議會長(主席)對家屬們承諾,他們所深愛的人永遠不會被忘記。

The chairman of the joint chiefs of staff promised the family members that their loved ones would never be forgotten 參謀長聯席會議主席向遇難者家屬承諾說人們將會永遠記得他們摯愛的家人。