
joint n.1.接合,榫接合處,接合點。2.【解剖學】關節。3....

joint account

Flux entrapped in the joints is the principal cause of low strength or failure . 裂縫中封存有焊藥是強度不足或斷裂的主要原因。

The joint venture is integrated into the dominant parent's management system . 合資企業的管理業務全部納入母公司的管理系統。

Joints between reinforcement members can be made satisfactorily with tin solder . 錫焊能夠滿意地做成加筋構件之間的接頭。

The most commonly used joint configurations are the lap, scarf, and butt joints . 最常用的連接結構是搭接,嵌接和平接。

The question of a joint approach to turkey was deferred until later . 至于共同向土耳其進行交涉的問題,應留待將來解決。

In the calculation of fixed end moments, joints b and c are temporarily locked . 在計算固端彎矩時,臨時鎖住共點B和C。

The copper is disseminated in small joint surfaces and cracks in the porphyries . 銅浸染在斑巖的細小節理面和裂隙中。

Only bearings and extension joints need to be controlled at regular intervals . 只有支座和伸縮縫需要定期檢查和調整。

Precast segmental with matching joints is as among the fastest . 采用鑲合縫制塊件的分段拼裝方法則是其中最快的一種。

Make four indentations into the condenser near the standard cone joint . 在冷凝器接近標準圓錐接頭處打四個穴孔。

We were always too divided among ourselves to take any joint action . 我們總是意見分歧,無法采取任何共同行動。

The husky ball players threw all calculations out of joint . 那些體格魁梧的橄欖球隊員會把原先的計算統統打亂。

Already “the poults“ schedule was out of joint by several hours . 這些小火雞的裝運日程已經脫節了好幾個小時。

The crane was slacked off without waiting for the joint material to cure . 吊機不需等到接縫料養護就可移開。

By the laws of geometry we can find the displaced joint positions . 由幾何定律可以求出變形后的節點位置。

Joints are more easily opened, when one end is secured in a vise . 若把一端夾在虎頭鉗中,則較容易打開。

Many large companies are involved in at least one joint venture . 許多大型公司至少已擁有一個合資企業。

In severe cases, it can deform joints and cripple its victims . 嚴重的病例,可使關節變形,使病人殘廢。

The property has gone into the hands of a joint stock company . 這筆資產已由一個合資公司接收了過來。