
joinery n.1.細木工技術[行業]。2.細木工的制作物。


Province , since the beginning , gong pin xuan has maintained its motto in presewing and creating the awave - ness of traditional chinese culture and furniture . what they have now achieved is an accumulation of hard work . they tiaveled extensively to acquive the knowledge of wood joinery cawing and in geneial 奉厚積而薄發為圭臬,為求真知,不辭勞苦,足跡遍及大江南北,博覽藝術真跡之余潛心探其精要,始知中華文化博大精深之一斑見于古典家具,使信念有加。

Purchase woodware , joinery - interior product manufacturers , industrial wood product , wooden staff , wooden frame , wooden packing case , this unit asks to buy wooden staff - the wooden frame - wooden packingcase one batch to look has the production processing ability the unitand individual relation discussion 采購地板坯料,原材料-半成品原材料,鋸材,雞翅木,急購:本公司長期收購地板坯料,雞翅木除厚度要求18mm以上

Customers include publishers , printing houses , and merchants , as well as the packaging , joinery , and construction industries ? and are mainly concentrated in europe , north america , and asia 客戶包括出版商、印刷廠以及商人,還包括包裝、木工以及建筑行業?主要集中在歐洲、北美和亞洲。

Dtu 37 . 2 - building works - private markets - metal joinery during renovation on existing frame - part 2 : special clauses Dtu 37 . 2 .建筑工程.專用市場.現有框架翻新時的金屬細木工制品.第2部分:特殊條款

Metal joinery - windows , curtain walling , metal frame panels - protection against corrosion and conservation of surface conditions 金屬細木工.窗幕墻和金屬框板.防腐及表面狀態保護

Metal joinery . windows , curtain walling , metal frame panels . protection against corrosion and conservation of surface conditions 金屬細木工.窗幕墻和金屬框板.防銹和表面狀態的保護

Contract procedures for building works - part c : general technical specifications for building works - joinery works 建筑工程承包條例.第c部分:建筑工程通用技術規范.細

Covers gallery , history , style , material , joinery , maintenance , glossary for chinese antique furnitures -提供當地政府信息,展示當地經濟文化發展狀況。

Glossary of building and civil engineering terms - forest products - carpentry and joinery 建筑及土木工程術語.第4部分:木材.第4集:木工與細木工

Timber for and workmanship in joinery - specification for wood trim and its fixing 細木工用木材與制品質量.第3部分:門窗框類細木工及其固定規范

Workmanship on building sites - code of practice for carpentry , joinery and general fixings 建筑工地操作工藝.木作細木工和一般設備實用規程

Dtu 37 - 1 . building works . private contracts . metal joinery . part 2 : special clauses 建筑工程.專門合同.金屬制品.第2部分:特別條款

Frameworks joinery . locksmithing . dimensions of french window sashes and casements 框架.木作.鉗工制品.法國式窗扇和窗框尺寸

Internal and external carpentry and joinery work including those associated with marine craft 戶內戶外及船身木工工作;

Timber in joinery - general classification of timber quality ; german version en 942 : 1996 木工作業木材.木材質量通用分類

Wood joinery . cellar doors 木作.地下室門

Timber for and workmanship in joinery - specification for workmanship 細木工用木材與制品質量.第2部分:制品質量規范

Dtu 37 - 1 . building works . metal joinery . part 1 : technical specifications 建筑工程.金屬制品.第1部分:技術規范

Wood joinery . composition of casements 木作.窗架構造