
joiner n.1.結合者;結合物。2.細木工,小木匠。3.〔美口〕...


The comb tenoning machine is newest automatically , manual mx3510 4010 4012 4014 4016 mainly uses in hitting , the short lumber splicing comb tenon , specially to produces the joiner board , the prop , the furniture and so on , it raises the lumber use factor , in order to the longitudinal agglutination joining - up makes the long size the specification material ideal processing equipment 梳齒機最新自動、手動型mx3510 、 4010 、 4012 、 4014 、 4016型主要用于中、短木材的拼接梳齒榫,特別對生產細木工板、支柱、家具等,它不僅提高木材的利用率,而且便于縱向膠合并接制成長尺寸的規格料的理想加工設備。

The comb tenoning machine is newest automatically , manual mx3510 4010 4012 4014 4016 mainly uses in hitting , the short lumber splicing comb tenon , specially to produces the joiner board , the prop , the furniture so on , it raises the lumber use factor , in order to the longitudinal agglutination joining - up makes the long size the specification material ideal processing equipment 梳齒機最新自動、手動型mx3510 、 4010 、 4012 、 4014 、 4016型主要用于中、短木材的拼接梳齒榫,特別對生產細木工板、支柱、家具等,它不僅提高木材的利用率,而且便于縱向膠合并接制成長尺寸的規格料的理想加工設備。

The comb tenoning machine is newest automatically , manual mx3510 4010 4012 4014 4016 mainly uses in hitting , the short lumber splicing comb tenon , specially to produces the joiner board , the prop , the furniture and so on , it raises the lumber use factor , in order to the longitudinal agglutination joining - up makes the long size the specification material ideal processing equipment 梳齒開榫機最新自動、手動型mx3510 4010 4012 4014 4016型主要用于中、短木材的拼接梳齒榫,特別對生產細木工板、支柱、家具等,它是提高木材利用率,以便縱向膠合并接制成長尺寸的規格料的理想加工設備。

The comb tenoning machine is newest automatically , manual mx3510 4010 4012 4014 4016 mainly uses in hitting , the short lumber splicing comb tenon , specially to produces the joiner board , the prop , the furniture and so on , it raises the lumber use factor , in order to the longitudinal agglutination joining - up makes the long size the specification material ideal processing equipment 簡要說明梳齒機最新自動、手動型mx3510 、 4010 、 4012 、 4014 、 4016型主要用于中、短木材的拼接梳齒榫,特別對生產細木工板、支柱、家具等,它不僅提高木材的利用率,而且便于縱向膠合并接制成長尺寸的規格料的理想加工設備。

Secondly , the thesis , through analyzing the five competition powers which affect its competitive ability - - patrons , provider , latency joiner , replacement and competitor , describing the rivaling conditions of fuel oil industry in various points of view , clearly confirms the rivals , construes the counter strategic target , capability and their competitive tactics 其次,對影響行業競爭的五種力量? ?顧客、供應商、潛在加入者、替代品和競爭者進行了分析,從不同角度對燃料油行業競爭形勢進行了描述,確定了競爭對手,并對競爭對手戰略目標和戰略能力以及在競爭激烈的情況下采取的競爭策略進行了分析和判斷。

But here is the matter now . or she knew him , that second i say , and was but creature of her creature , vergine madre figlia di tuo figlio or she knew him not and then stands she in the one denial or ignorancy with peter piscator who lives in the house that jack built and with joseph the joiner patron of the happy demise of all unhappy marriages parce que m . lo taxil nous a dit que qui l avait mise dans cette fichue position c tait le sacr pigeon , ventre de dieu 問題在于:第二個夏娃知曉基督乃是神之子,伊身為童貞之母,汝子之女, 53僅只是造物主所造之物抑或不知基督乃神之子,與住在杰克所蓋之房54中之漁夫彼得以及木匠約瑟彼乃使一切不幸婚姻獲得圓滿之主保圣人一道不認耶穌或對耶穌不予理睬。

Eb provides technology support for logistics . it links all the joiners in the logistics supply chain to be a whole and realizes electronic management of supply chain 它通過整合企業的上下游的產業構成一個電子商務供應鏈網絡,從而將物流供應鏈的各個參與方連接為一個整體,實現了供應鏈的電子化管理。

When the young joiners see the persistence we show ? and the rewards we gain - they will approach the business with more confidence 因此,我們會先以身作則,嚴以律己,別人看到我們發展安利的認真態度和最終所得的回報,自是最有力的游說工具。

Joiner postulates that a necessary condition for suicide is habituation to the fear about the pain involved in the act 喬伊納假定自殺的必要條件是:能夠處之泰然地面對自殺行動中引起疼痛的恐懼。

Completeness delivery of accommodation ( joiner work and interior decoration of accommodation ) for master room ( chief engineer room ) 船長室(輪機長室)艙室完整性(木工和內部裝飾)提交。

Americans are great joiners , as the huge number of organizations available in the united states attests 美國人最熱衷于參加各種活動,看看不勝枚舉的各種組織就足以證明這一點。

William maugridge , joiner , but a most exquisite mechanic , and a solid , sensible man 威廉?莫格里奇,細木工人,一個技藝極其精巧的工匠,心地實在,頭腦清楚。

Yes , we subcontract almost all the joiner work . this will save us lots of time 是的,我們把所有的細木工舾裝都分包了出去。這將節約我們很多的時間。

Joseph the joiner 木匠約瑟? ”

Standard specification for enameling system , baking , metal joiner work and furniture 金屬連接裝置和家具上光系統烘烤的標準規范

Specification for enameling system , baking , metal joiner work and furniture 上釉系統烘干金屬連接件作業和家具規范

Joiner ' s benches ; denominations 木工工作臺.命名

French type joiner hammer with wooden handle 法式木柄木工錘

German type joiner s hammer with fiber handle 德式纖維柄木工錘