
joinder n.1.連接;接合;匯合;聯合。2.【法律】聯合訴訟;原...


Whoever forcibly seizes public or private money or property , if the amount is relatively large , shall be guilty of seizing , and shall be imaginative joinder of offences of negligently causing another serious injury or negligent homicide if at the same time he causes another serious injury or death and then shall be convicted and punished in accordance with the provisions for a heavier punishment 實施搶奪公私財物行為,構成搶奪罪,同時過失造成被害人重傷、死亡等后果的,是搶奪罪與過失致人重傷罪、過失致人死亡罪的想象競合,擇一重罪處罰。 “攜帶兇器搶奪”作為搶奪罪的從重情節來處罰是比較合理的,從目前立法狀況下, “攜帶兇器搶奪”可以說是對搶劫罪脅迫行為不能包含的內容進行補充。

This part briefly presents mainstream viewpoint on such topic at the first place . then , it discusses author ’ s personal opinions point by point on several subjects , such as essence , status , types and outcome of overlapping of articles and differences between overlapping of articles and imaginative joinder of offenses 該部分首先介紹了我國關于法條競合理論的通說,然后,依次分析了本文對于法條競合的性質、地位、形態、處理原則、法條競合與想象競合的區別的見解。

The lawsuit in 3 old procedural law participates in a person : punishment accuses lawsuit participates in a person to include : party ( person of the injured party , private prosecution , person of guilty suspect , the accused , the accuser person of accessary and civil suit and the accused person ) participate in a person with other suit ( legal agent , lawsuit agent , paraclete , witness , appraiser and interpreter personnel ) ; civilian accuse lawsuit participates in a person to include : lawsuit joins a person [ party ( person of accuser , the accused , joinder , the 3rd person ) represent a person with lawsuit ] participate in a person with other suit ( personnel of produce the expected result of litigant agent , witness , appraiser , survey and interpreter personnel ) ; accuse lawsuit participates in a person to include all right : lawsuit joins a person ( party and litigant agent ) with personnel of personnel of produce the expected result of witness , appraiser , survey and interpreter . 三大訴訟法中的訴訟參與人:刑訴訴訟參與人包括:當事人(被害人、自訴人,犯罪嫌疑人、被告人,附帶民事訴訟的原告人和被告人)和其他訴訟參與人(法定代理人、訴訟代理人、辯護人、證人、鑒定人和翻譯人員) ;民訴訴訟參與人包括:訴訟參加人[當事人(原告、被告、共同訴訟人、第三人)和訴訟代表人]和其他訴訟參與人(訴訟代理人、證人、鑒定人、勘驗人員和翻譯人員) ;行訴訴訟參與人包括:訴訟參加人(當事人和訴訟代理人)和證人、鑒定人、勘驗人員和翻譯人員。

As to the similarity and difference between the implicated offense and inclusive offense , imaginative joinder offense , and integrated offense , theoretical study should be further conducted , and criminal law should be perfected 文章最后指出,牽連犯由于其存在的客觀性,必須得到深入的研究與發展,這樣才能更加完善我國的刑事立法。

Group dispute in this article means dispute which arises from same or similar fact ( s ) or action ( s ) and parties involving in such dispute is so many that they can ’ t be resolved in one joinder 本文所指的群體糾紛,是特指因相同或相似的事實或行為引起的,一方或雙方人數眾多以至于不可能合并進行共同訴訟的糾紛。

Because traditional single action and joinder are not potent in resolving group dispute , so it is necessary to set up a special civil procedural mechanism for group dispute 通過揭示傳統訴訟方式即一對一的訴訟方式和共同訴訟方式在解決群體糾紛方面的局限性,提出了為群體糾紛設置特別的訴訟機制的必要性。

It has formed its own theoratical system . on the non - essential joint and several liability , the case of indicting many debtors at the same time should introduce common - joinder 不真正連帶債務中,債權人一并起訴數個債權人的情形應當適用普通共同訴訟方式進行合并審理。

A theoretical research upon imaginative joinder of offenses 想像競合犯的理論探究