
join vt.1.接合,連接,使結合。2.參加,加入,作(團體等...


The lights short-circuited when i joined up the wires . 我一接上電線,電燈就短路了。

The joining is hardly visible . 接合處幾乎天衣無縫。

A physical examination is a preliminary to joining the army . 體格檢查是參軍的初步。

She joins the diabolical dance . 她加入了妖魔的舞蹈。

Stanley, seeing an opportunity, joined him . 史坦利看到機會來了,也去挨在他的身邊。

Ask him to join us for lunch . 請他和我們一起吃午飯。

My friend mr. ford will arrive here and join me tomorrow . 我的朋友福特先生明天到。

He joined the crowd and watched . 他就擠在人群中看著。

They join because they care . 他們參與其事是出于關心。

She'll join you there tomorrow . 她明天會在那里見到你。

As soon as i get through with my work i will join you . 我工作一做完就來找你們。

He argued me into joining the party . 他說服我參加舞會。

I am going to a movie . why do not you join me ? 我要去看電影。你何不和我去呢?

The stream joins the big river at the foot of a hill . 小溪在小山腳下并入大江。

Pla men and fishermen join hands to guard the coast . 解放軍和漁民攜手守海防。

The panama canal joins two oceans . 巴拿馬運河連通兩大洋。

They tried to argue him into joining them . 他們試圖說服他參加到他們行列中去。

The armies joined battle at dawn . 這些軍隊黎明時開始交戰。

In a few seconds goldstein had joined him . 過會一看,戈爾斯坦也已經上來了。