
johore n.柔佛〔馬來西亞之一州〕。

johore bahru

Thanks to master s grace , fellow practitioners from singapore and malaysia were able to successfully arrange a video seminar in johore bahru to share master s teachings with sincere truth - seekers in the local area 感謝師父加持,讓新加坡與馬來西亞兩地的同修們能夠在新山地區順利地舉辦一場錄影帶弘法講座,與當地誠心的求道者分享師父的教理。

After the seminar , many enthusiastically enquired more about master s teachings and many learned the convenient method . numerous spiritual seeds were thus planted in johore bahru 講座之后,許多人熱切地想再進一步了解師父的教理,報名學方便法的來賓也很多,靈性的種子已深植人們心中。

Johore bahru is seeded with spirituality 新山深植靈性種子

Japanese heavy artillery was shelling downtown singapore across the johore strait . 日本人的重炮,正隔著柔佛海峽轟擊新加坡的商業區。

Speelman replied by asking for the monopoly of the trade of johore and pahang . 施貝爾曼在答復中要求取得對柔佛和彭亨的貿易壟斷。

The johore marriage, however, did not improve the relations between the two states . 可是,同柔佛通婚并沒有改善兩國的關系。