
johnson n.1.約翰遜〔姓氏〕。2.Samuel Johnson...

johnson grass

The envelope is addressed to jack johnson , esq 信封上寫著杰克?約翰遜先生收。

Application of johnson - belman law in line production 貝爾曼法則在流水作業中的應用

Mr . johnson thinks he ' s the top dog around here 約翰遜先生認為他是這一帶的頭兒。

Magic johnson . i loved watching him play as a kid 作為一個孩子我最喜歡看他打球。

I am / he is peter johnson , reporter for newsweek 約翰?彼得, 《紐約周報》的記者。

- this is the johnsons ' old house . - not anymore -這是約翰遜家的舊屋-不再是了

Good morning , miss . i ' d like to see mr . johnson 早上好,小姐。我想見約翰遜先生。

L : yao and johnson jump to start the match 玲:姚明和約翰遜跳球,開始了比賽。

Sorry , there is no one by the name of johnson here 對不起,這里沒人叫約翰遜。

Don ' t forget our dinner in mr . johnson ' s house 別忘了咱們要到約翰先生家吃飯。

B : i ' m sorry , but mr . johnson isn ' t here now 對不起,約翰遜先生現在不在這里。

I ' m so angry ! i could hit johnson right now 氣死人了!我真想現在給約翰一拳!

2 dose the manager want to see johnson or jack 經理是想見約翰遜還是想見杰克?

To johnson in front . broken up by holmgren 傳給前方的johnson被holmgren攔截了

Johnson : not much , just talking to drogba 約翰遜:沒什么,只是和德羅巴聊天中。

I didn ' t see you at mr . johnson ' s class today 今天約翰遜先生的課上我沒見到你。

Woman on p . a . : usa goal scored by number 10 , johnson 美國隊10號johnson進球得分

I thought it was lyndon johnson , but i was wrong , 我本以為是林登?約翰遜,我錯了

This speech of william pitt, composed by johnson in exeter street, has long held a place in school books and collections of oratory . 約翰遜在愛克塞特大街寫成的《威廉庇特》(WilliamPitt)的這個演講,長期保留在學校的課本中和演講術的文集中。